Thursday, April 17, 2014

Living a Quiet & Simple Life

So much in this world seems to beckon and call us away from living a quiet and simple life.

As I approach my 38th week of pregnancy with my ninth child I can't help to think about the days when I had a house full of little wee ones. 

The days were definitely full and my heart was so full too.

I can't say it was quiet (as my house was sometimes loud and full of joyful noises), but my inner life was quiet and simple. Just doing what I was called to---living my life for the Lord. 

Now, 7 years later I embark upon this pregnancy journey again. Holding a small child in my womb and pondering over  all that the Lord has in store for us.

Our life will change, our home will change, our family dynamics will change once again.

I feel a call to get back to that old quiet and simple life that I knew not so long ago.

To strip down to the bare minimums. 

To block out all the distractions around me.

To hear His voice clearly and directly.

To enjoy all the simple blessings that the Lord has put into my lap.

The happiness of family life and home.

It's really about all the simple things.

We only get one life to live.

We need to make sure there are no regrets.

How about you---is God calling you back to live a quiet and simple life?

What distractions do you need to get rid of in order to do so?


Always Learning said...

I just posted this comment before I saw your post ~

I strongly believe that God's instruction to women to be keepers at home is because He hard-wired us in such a way that we require a mostly home-centered life in order to attain to the gentle, quiet, and meek spirit He finds so precious in us.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. It seems it is a rare thing these days for people to be still and know that He is God. There is such pressure to be part of the next big thing, to rush here and there from one activity to another - especially if you have school-aged children and you want them to be "successful." And the flood of technology, while we can use it for good, opens up a whole other frenzied world making me at times long for the island of the uninhabited. It is good to know there are others out there seeking to live a quiet and peaceable life. God bless your upcoming labor and delivery, may it be a beautiful, uncomplicated experience with quick recovery for mom and baby.

Chris said...

I have 7 adopted children, 4 with cognitive issues, and boy, does QUIET sound lovely:)
I am craving some quiet, some peace in our home, some time to just listen to God, and play with my littles, and teach my bigs, and not feel the pull of the rushing world-so hard to do, even on a farm, out in the country, away from so many big city distractions.
BUT, if mama finds peace in her heart, than there would be peace in the home too, right?

Anonymous said...

I feel when I have been away from the house too much, like at too many church events or outings with friends is when God is really telling me to stay home and enjoy the quiet.

Virginia said...

Hi, I am trying to find out how to be invited to the homsechoolers blog connected with this website? I tried clicking on it- but it prompted me to seek an invitation? A friend of mine is needing some encouragement to stick with her decision tot homeschool. A lot of people are pressuring her to change her decision .... I thought this would be a good place for her to see that encouragement. I so love this blog!!! And I too would like to learn more about homeschooling as that is the route we are leaning towards (our LO is only 3). Thanks! is the best email to reach me with, thanks!

JES said...

Just lovely!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Thank you for sharing, Lori!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

I agree and thank you so much for sharing your blessings over my pregnancy. It is so nice to hear a kind word regarding the process of giving birth and I am definitely praying along with you that it would be a "beautiful, uncomplicated experience with quick recovery for mom and baby"! :)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

I crave that those things too even though I am usually home and not rushing here and there--isn't that funny? I always seem to have a longing for more, but I believe that the Lord puts that into us at times. Yes, it is important to have peace in our hearts but I do believe that we need to also say no to the many distractions that continually tempt us or draw us away from our first priorities and the things that matter. Many blessings!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Me too! I love being at home and dislike always running here and there even though I know I need to do those things (like food shopping, etc.). We always joke around here saying that I could very easily be a "hermit"!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Thank you for visiting, JES! Hope you are doing well! :)

Unknown said...

Oh I so agree with you on this! I find that I am happiest and most peaceful when I keep things very minimal and simple and quiet. I'm so thankful for this post to help remind me of how good a quiet and simple life really is! God bless you!


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