Friday, March 28, 2014

Pregnancy Update and "Do You Wanna Have a Baby" Frozen Parody Video

We are quickly approaching 34 weeks in the progression of this pregnancy. I have been enjoying the miraculous feeling of life kicking inside of me and relishing it while I can since I know our new baby girl will be here soon. We truly covet your prayers for a safe remainder of our pregnancy and delivery which will be coming right around the corner for us soon!

Some how this adorable video by a Christian homeschooling mom of 12 landed on my feed and I thought it was too cute to not share it with you:

"Do you wanna have a baby?
 So cute and cuddly and small 
Then we could kiss his little nose 
And count his tiny toes 
And watch him learn to crawl 
A baby is a blessing 
From above You’ll love him, and so will I 
Do you wanna have a baby? 
I know you’d love to make a baby! 
C’mon… let’s try." 

You can read the rest of the lyrics here. 

I thought is was such a sweet video that really shared the blessings of life and motherhood so be sure to give it a watch!

Maternity & Baby Resources:

Amazon Mom
Zulily Baby
What to Expect When You're Expecting


Teri said...

Yay! Great to hear of the update on your pregnancy! How exciting and enjoyable it is to feel the little one moving around inside! I am just about 22 weeks now and loving every minute of it. This is our first child and we are also having a beautiful baby girl! <3

Anonymous said...

That was just Fab-U-Lous.. and Yes, I do wanna have another Baby... <3

Teri said...

Yay! Great to hear of the update on your pregnancy! How exciting and enjoyable it is to feel the little one moving around inside! I am just about 22 weeks now and loving every minute of it. This is our first child and we are also having a beautiful baby girl! <3

HisPrincessWarrior said...

not sure why... but this made me choke up! How cute yet precious! I want to be a mommy someday SO BAD!!! :)


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