Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Has Satan Silenced You?

This past weekend I heard a wonderful sermon challenging Christians to be more verbal in their faith.

It is funny how so many of us can start off "on fire" for God and happily sharing what He has done for us with others--praising Him, sharing our testimonies, and so forth.

But what happens when time goes by and that praise comes under fire?

When that testimony is questioned?

What happens when persecution comes?

Perhaps someone has mocked or ridiculed you in the past and you did not expect it. It caused you to think twice before sharing again.

It caused you not to speak up in the crowd.

It caused you to think twice and then be silent.

While there might be times to be silent, there are a thousand more times that we need to speak up about the Lord. We need to give God the credit for what He has done in our lives. We need to share what His powerful hand has done and shout it from the rooftops (in a loving way, mind you) to a world that is dying.

So has Satan silenced you?

Has he used fear?

Has he caused you to doubt yourself?

Don't be silenced, dear Christian.

Imagine if the person who first shared the Lord with you was too afraid.

Too timid of what you would have thought or said.

You might not be here today.

You might not have the convictions that you have.

Thank God for those who spoke up, who were not afraid.

Who were not silenced.

May the Lord give us the courage to speak boldly into darkness drawing the world to the light of Jesus, unashamed of the story of His great love.

Encouraged here?

Please also check out my book True Christian Motherhood.


Unknown said...

I am fighting this battle right now, trying to keep the strength to pass a message from God. Others react so violently, and treat you like you have no right to say anything. I will keep these words in my mind. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Me too. Please pray for me to have courage and discernment.

Bonnie said...

This is an important reminder! As soon as I'm conscious of trying to "fit in" or not "rock the boat" it should be my signal to put away the silence and put on courage instead...

Randee McDaniel said...

Have you heard of Danny Silk? His book Keep Your Love On has been such a blessing! You can read a bit on Amazon.com

Anonymous said...

I have had so many people say mean discouraging things when i testify and say what i believe God wants me to say. I let it scare me and hurt me many times but as soon as just one person had ears to hear and encouraged me the fear and hurt faded and now i am never too afraid to tell the world what he has done. I have had a few people ask me in the last six months how i am the way i am now if i were so depressed and such a bad alcoholic and addict before and i got to tell them about Jesus delivering me. Now after a few people even thanking me for being so die hard and imovable in my decipleship i have more courage than i could ever imagine. It would have never happened this way if i had given up in the begining. I say never give in because someone somewhere is looking for a reason to beleive and YOU could be the reason and you don't want to miss out on seeing God save and change someones life.

shesdigital said...

Thank you for this beautifully convicting post. I am guilty of this, and learning to speak up more about our Lord Jesus Christ. The only perfect love you can share with someone.


Gillian Faye said...

Experiencing the Lord in my life is the best experience I am having...All the days of my life He will be with me, with You and with us...

Gillian Faye said...

Our God will be with us forever...He will never leave us...We are sustained and well loved by Him...We must share the goodness of our Lord to other women too..No matter what, we are to joyfully and lovingly share the Gospel ....

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Ephesians 6:19-20
"And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak."

Anonymous said...

Could you please share whose version of Canon you have playing on the background? It is so beautiful! Blessings, Bren

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


You can find it on my playlist on my lower right hand sidebar!


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