Friday, July 26, 2013

The Dearest Spot on Earth to Me

The dearest spot on earth to me
Is home, sweet home;
The single place I long to see
Is home, sweet home.
There, how charmed the sense of hearing,
There, where love is so endearing!
Nothing else could be as cheering as
Home, sweet home.

I've taught my heart the way to prize
My home, sweet home;
I've learned to look with loving eyes
On home, sweet home.
There, where vows were truly plighted,
There, where hearts are so united!
All the world and more I've slighted for
Home, sweet home.




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Anonymous said...

Yes! A house filled with family love and unity is like a sanctuary...This is why a wise woman builds her house as the Word says....all the most beautiful things in a house will make it pleasing to the eye...but that house will not truly be a home without the presence of God which is there when there is love, shalom and family unity.

Love your blog....thanks and much Shalom!

Anonymous said...

Yes, is the shalom in our homes that invites the presence of our God! Without it His presence will not. Let us all strive for what keeps our Abba's presence in our homes! Shalom!

Jennifer said...

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful poem and picture! The home is truly a place to be treasured and safeguarded! The place I love to be most of all! God Bless!


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