Friday, March 15, 2013

Managing the Home: Warding Off Time-Wasters

There are many important areas that are important in being able to run a home. As homemakers we want to be careful that we are managing our time well and not allowing time-wasters to steal away the important hours of our day. Here are some things to be weary of:

Procrastination- indecision and putting things off

Disorganization-not planning or improper planning

Forgetfulness-not writing things down or mind clutter

Lack of Priorities/Goals-where there is no vision the people perish!

Perhaps you made a schedule in the past but now have fallen far away from it. That is okay. This post is not about being rigid in keeping schedules but making sure important things are getting done throughout the week. Seasons of parenting change and so do our lives. 

I used to wake up early. Really early--like five or six in the morning when I had little babies to tend to. But now with older children I am letting us sleep in! Don't let others dictate your schedule and don't feel guilty if your looks a little different. This is a different season for us and I am enjoying it.

If you are struggling with the time-wasters above here are some helpful tips:

1. Don't put important things off--begin first by identifying what those important things are. Now write them down in a place where you won't forget and place them where you will see it as a reminder to do it. If it is out of sight, it is out of mind so be sure it is in a placed strategically. I also like to announce what needs to be done to the children in the morning so they can help execute what needs to be done.

2. Get organized once and for all- Identify what needs to get organized in your life. Is it your daily schedule? Cleaning of certain rooms? Homeschooling? Your spiritual life? Once you identify the problem it is easier to start planning baby steps of attack.

3. Use lists, planners, your phone, and create a schedule--I know that for many of you Type B people who want to live spontaneously this piece of advice sounds like a death sentence to you! But look at it positively--lists and schedules can be so helpful. They help to give structure on days when you need it. I don't abide by schedules everyday but I do usually try have an agenda for the day--some days are full and others are very flexible and loose. Start small and don't get overwhelmed, also don't take on more than you can chew in one day--this can just lead to burn out and discouragement. Leave room to live life!

4. Pray about what is important and future plans-this is so important because what you think might be a good plan may not be. Ask the Lord to show you best where to use your time. You might be surprised at what He impresses upon you to add or eliminate. You also might want to read: A Wise Woman Guards Her Time for further inspiration. Also ask Him for help and wisdom to accomplish all things for Him. Be sure to also think about what things are taking up the bulk of your day and consider if they are wasteful or wise.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to be a better home-manager and not waste the precious time you have given me. I know how I spend my time is a reflection of you, help me to not be idle and to use my time to you bring you glory. I ask this in Christ's name--Amen.

Resources to help you:

The 15-Minute Organizer
Tell Your Time
Creative Home Organizer
More Hours in My Day
Survival for Busy Women

Encouraged here?

Please also check out my book True Christian Motherhood


Dottie said...

Oh, I so need this! Thank you. I am easily distracted and though I want to be more organized, following schedules and such seems to elude me after a week or two of working well. I need much prayer on this.

Anonymous said...

Time management is an area where I need serious improvement. Thank you for this post.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

I will pray for you, Dottie! :)

Amy said...

Thank you for your encouragement. I find social media also steals away my time - sigh.
Blessings to you, Amy

Cheryl said...

I just recently found your blog. I felt like you were talking right to me this morning as I read your post. I have been married for almost 2 years and have felt like I failed in this area. I have never been good about housecleaning and organizing my entire life. To be honest, it didn't bother me until I got married. Now we just moved into our new house from a small apartment. We have been living here for almost a month and still haven't finished unpacking. I have no excuse for it and, especially, with living in a house, I really want to keep a clean and organized household. We haven't been blessed with an children yet, so I don't even have kids as an excuse! :)

Think Loveliness said...

Reconfirmation of what the Lord has spoken to me about through my husband this week. I've already begun to re adjust my priorities so they can align with our Lord's Words and leading to what is best for myself and my family's spiritual, emotion and physical well being. I've already removed some "clutter" from my day to day to focus my energy on the best. God bless're always a blessing~

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem. I have a mother that visits and organizes my house in an hour when it would have taken me all day. Its frustrating not having that knack! I am a mother of 5 and its hard to keep my focus with them all right next to me. I have to work at cleaning and staying on one job at a time! Mary/ Martha syndrome :) Its good to remember that God gave us our own personailty and we need to help each other to be a balance between Mary and Martha.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Yes, managing social media is a must!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Have grace on yourself in some areas like moving. I know that it took us a long time to unpack to get it just right in our new home. Praying for you!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

That's wonderful, so glad for you!

Anonymous said...

Short term planning works for me - "It is one thing to know what you will be doing in six months time, or in a year's time, but it's no good at all if you don't have a plan for tomorrow" (Hilary Mantel, author of Wolf Hall). I repeat this like a mantra, and it is true and helps me a lot - I deal with the mundane and practical while still holding on tight to my dreams!


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