Monday, November 19, 2012

Mothers Redeemed By Grace

A Mother’s Heart

To be intentional about cultivating our children’s hearts means we must tend the garden of our own heart. When we allow the Lord to prune the dead branches and cultivate the fruits of the Spirit in our hearts, our actions will begin to reflect the work of the Holy Spirit within us. When we cling to the promises in God’s Word and approach the sacred calling of motherhood with a generational vision, our homemaking efforts will be blessed.

 Our hard work will be redeemed by grace, despite our shortcomings.

When we free up our lives in order to live more intentionally and through the Spirit, the Lord has access to our hearts, and He will prune them so that we bear more fruit. There are many things that we can indulge in or surround ourselves with that would prevent us from bearing fruit. If we strip away that which prevents us from bearing fruit, the Lord can do a work within us.

--Courtney Dunkin, The Heart of Simplicity

Enjoy and have a blessed day building up your sacred homes!

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