Monday, September 17, 2012

This is War

While this is a call to men, it moves me, pulls at my heart, and inspires me to live a holier life...

Video description:

Paul Washer unsheathes his sword and utters "This is war!" The line has been drawn in the sand. Where will you stand? "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death." Revelation 12:11

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Fran said...

Oh how I wish that men everywhere would listen to this with their hearts. This is so needed. In an age where men have become passive about so many areas of life it would be so wonderful to see an army of Godly men rise up and take their stand for God's kindgom.

Unknown said...

What a passionate and inspirational video for how we all should live. Love it! :)

Marissa Writes said...

So important for everyone to hear


miranda said...

Oh I love it!

Anonymous said...

this is just what I needed to be reminded of at this moment. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Such GOOD instruction for this day and age. DIscontentment is certainly a pitfall. Yet, so many continue on this path. It is born of impatience and reproduces unthankfulness, unto a just, loving God.


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