Monday, August 27, 2012

Mother Culture

"Somewhere it is written that "A mother is only a woman, but she needs the love of Jacob, the patience of Job, the wisdom of Moses, the foresight of Joseph, and the firmness of Daniel." But a mother not only has to have all these things, she must have them all at once, often when she is quite young and too often when she has had not previous training of any kind for the marvelously varied duties she has to perform.

Before she marries, a young lady does not imagine herself facing the difficulties of managing the complicated working of a household. Untried responsibilities come upon her as soon as she does marry. And, perhaps, just as she is grasping the situation, her first child is born and fills her whole heart. then, not only her own health but that of another's depends on how she manages her life. The question of child training and how to "bring up" children becomes a new study and practical concern.

Another child is born, who eventually becomes a sunny companion for the first. But it seems that with each passing year, a mother's job description is revised. The desire for her husband's love and friendship is still strong, but a careful division of her attention is given up to the various aspects of maintaining a happy, well-managed home. Time alone with her husband now seems to have to be either previously planned moments or stolen ones.

There are holiday celebrations to arrange, extended family parties and visits, church functions, occasions for neighborly hospitality, etc. In the center of it all is one little woman---wife, mother, mistress all in one! As the children approach their years of more formal education, there is organization of home schoolroom, and thus she walk over new ground again.

Is it a wonder she feels overspent? In her efforts to be dietitian, laundress, nurse, hostess, teacher, taxi driver, wife, mother and mistress, she forgets that she needs a little time for herself."

~Karen Andreola, The Charlotte Mason Companion

Karen then goes on to share about "mother culture" a term she has coined to describe the small pockets of time a mother can make for herself to pray, read, sew, etc. and find time to recharge as well as simplifying our lives to allow for such time to occur.  I know it can be difficult to find time when the children are younger (and even when they are older), but I know how important it was for me as a  mother in all seasons to grasp some time in the God's Word, to raise prayers up to heaven, and find some golden silence for thinking.

Karen also has an encouraging blog called Moments with Mother Culture that you might want to visit:

May you be encouraged today, dear mothers in the precious ministry you have of raising His precious gifts and building up strong Christian homes! Never forget that even that hidden work is not unseen by Him, and by doing so you are bringing glory to your Savior.

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Joyfulmomof6 said...

I love Karen Andreola's blog! Yours and hers are the two that I follow by email feeds.

She said someplace on her blog (my parapharase) "do something you like to do in addition to what you have to do each day". It really makes sense...if your well runs dry, it's hard to have something to give to others.

Anonymous said...

Such an encouraging quote!


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