Friday, June 8, 2012

Discontentment: Living Above One's Means

There are many women who have brought their families much sorrow because they have wanted to live above their means. What does "living above one's means" really mean?

Well, it means they see people all around them who look as if they have more material goods, people who are living in bigger houses, people who are driving expensive cars, people who wear designer clothes that cost 50 times more than just decent, functional clothing. They watch these people and then they want to have what they want. 

Did you know this is breaking of the Ten Commandments? It is breaking the commandment "Thou shalt not covet. " That is wanting what someone else has and it is wrong.

-Pearables, Personal Help for Girls: Nurturing a Sweet and Virtuous Spirit (Character Curriculum for Tomorrow's Mothers)

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Unknown said...

I needed to hear this today!

Amy Guilbeau said...

I wish I had learned this at an earlier age. I wasted many years "wanting" when I had so much I was blessed with. Now I am able to not only count my blessings but share them with others. Much more content, now.

Jacki said...

We have realized that when you live within the means God gives you...that you have much more than you could ever imagine!

Anonymous said...

I use to be that woman. No longer and sometimes I wish I had the money back that was wasted.

Suzette said...

I love this post!! We have just recommitted to being debt free which leaves no room for being discontent! Even though I struggle with this now and again, the joy we will find in having no debt will be worth the sacrifice. Our goal is debt-free by November 2013!!

Barbara said...

Thoughtful post -- with a necessary message.

On another note, I've not got around to telling you yet that your new blog design with the roses banner is beautiful. Combined with the piano music, it's a refreshment to "stop by"! Keep up the good work you are doing.

Katie said...

I am a daughter to a mother that spends money to cope, spends money to build self confidence, and spends money for temporary pleasure. I can testify that sorrow abounds and tension builds. My youngest sibling harbors bitterness for the reprocussions she's endured due to our mothers habit. A We could have afforded our needs and extra activities if good stewardship had been a disciplined priority.


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