Monday, June 18, 2012

Beauty in the Moment

This summer I have been really thinking about enjoying, relishing, and truly being in the moment.

How we miss so much because we are in a hurry.

I think sometimes as moms since we are so prone to multi-tasking, it actually works us against us sometimes. We can be there--but yet still a million miles away or not viewing life as we should or could, robbing ourselves of the very beauty and gift of life around us.

I want to slow down so that I don't miss any of it.

This post says it so clearly:

 "..I need a slow life so I don’t miss noticing these. I need my heart in a place that I can see and celebrate this, not think “Time for another haircut. Didn’t we just get it cut? Add another thing to the list.”

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you have anything on raising teenagers and how to show them and teach them the Bible? I am having a hard time, since my husband is not saved yet, and he likes alot of worldly things that the kids can get themselves interested, I love my husband very much, but it hard to teach kids that alot of these worldly things we are not to put first and we shouldn't worship it. I need help!


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