Monday, April 16, 2012

Portrait of a Foolish Woman

Are we eager to hear what the Word of God says or more interested in human opinion (because it is easier) ?

Media will tell us it is okay to get out own way and do all we can to achieve it.

Christ tells us to die to self.

In modern culture today we need to be even more vigilant in studying what the Word of God teaches about being the foolish woman. Temptations knock at every door.  We need to keep His word in front of us.

"The destructive influence of foolish women is readily apparent in the secular world. In recent years we have seen the power of foolish women to tear down and destroy the moral sensitivities and fiber of an entire nation. We can all think of high-profile women—entertainers, politicians, wives of public figures—whose philosophies and lifestyles have wielded an enormous, negative influence on our entire culture.

However, what should trouble us even more is the extent to which foolishness among women has permeated the evangelical church.

Read more at:

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Gege said...

Thank you so much for this post, it is a Great resource!

Anonymous said...

So what do you do if you are the foolish woman? Two years ago I met my boyfriend. We were both married at the time. To make a long story short, 6 weeks later we both left our spouses on the same day. We've been living together for a year and a half, after we got divorced. Both our ex-spouses have since had other relationships. And there's a 4-year-old girl and a 2- year-old boy involved. We've talked about marriage but as much as I want to, I can't imagine God blessing a union that began as ours did. I don't know what to do =(

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this very deep truth! I plan on sharing it wherever possible.....Cindy


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