Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Grace for Moms

Moms, are you going through a difficult period in your life right now?

I know that many of you are.

Sometimes it is so hard for us to share--we are private about our pain.

The hurting pain that runs deep.

We suffer alone.

We try our best but always feel like we are failing on some end of the spectrum and sometimes we just feel like giving up.

You are not alone.

We sometimes put our focus on the things of this world that visually blur our focus on God.

Or try to find answers in those around us. 

We forget that there is a King and that there is grace.

There is healing from the pain, there is unbelievable healing that comes from the Healer himself. 

Will you accept it, dear friend?

Will you slow down, be still, and listen?

He has done it in my life, he has brought beauty out of ashes. Where the foundations were destroyed, He built a new strong tower brick-by-brick.

We do not have to be perfect in this life--we just need to open our hearts to receive His healing grace.

And remember that He is always there. 

If you are going through a difficult time right now, please leave a comment so we can pray for you.


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This post is linked at Raising Homemakers, Far Above Rubies, Deep Roots at Home,  The Better Mom, WLW, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Modest Mom, Growing Home and Our Simple Farm


Rose said...

I need prayer as it seems as I'm under attack by some evil force. I strife to be honest at all times and do good to people but finding the more I please people the more I'm persecuted by people who hate and despise me. I'm feel so alone sometimes but still feel the presence of God holding my hand telling me it is going to be alright.

Anonymous said...

Thank you sweet lady for this much needed reminder! Your words were nothing that I didn't already know but sometimes it takes another to remind you to look up to our Savior and not down to our problems. Please pray for me as I am just feeling overwhelmed right now with this whole mothering thing and a stressed out, overworked Husband who isn't able to really help me out right now. We also don't live near any family so I'm on my own taking care of the kids and household most of the time. I'm just tired!

Jen said...

Thank you Lord for standing by me during the hard times! Agreeing in prayer for the needs of all those who reply and for the ones who don't have the courage to reply but need your healing grace also....you know each of their names and LOVE them dearly and will stand side by side with them through their storms!

Jennifer H said...

I am currently struggling. I feel like a failure most days mainly because I always seem to be losing my temper with my children (soon to be 3, 4 & 5) but trying to keep up with the household also. I fasted 2 wks ago in hopes of drawing closer to the Lord and on day 6 slammed into a brick wall as I like to say (figuratively only) and become so mad so fast @ my husband that it completely through me for a loop and I have yet to fully recover mentally. I have whats seems like a lot more negative thoughts going around my head (nothing dangerous) since the fast also. I have recently started having thoughts of having more children which is strange because I don't look at my children as blessings for the most part but as "monsters". I also was encouraged by my o.b. not to have any more children after the birth of our last child due to my uterus not stretching properly and almost rupturing (3 kids in 3 years, 2 c-sections in a row and large babies). I desperately just want guidance and direction from the Lord, I want a deeper relationship with the Lord and better understanding of the bible and what I should be doing. I read my bible just about everyday and pray also but I haven't "heard" or at least felt like I have "heard" from the Lord in quite a while.

We also may be moving this summer as my husband my be starting a new career and also will be homeschooling starting this next school year.

Amber said...

Thank you for this reminder. I came on here to take a break from homeschooling my son who has dyslexia. I feel like a failure in helping him to learn to read and I'm so frustrated. I need grace, patience and strength to finish this school year. And, I'm 8 months pregnant. Most of the time I'm tired and just feel worn out.

desiree said...

Michelle's above comment is my exact situation... Its comforting to know we are not alone in these types of lives. Pray for perseverance in motherhood, being a good wife, and obedient servant.

Psalm46:5 said...

Please pray for the Yim family. Brent Yim is our pastor, 34 years old And stage 4 brain cAncer, the most aggressive and unique kind. Please pray for healing! And wisdom in treatment. And for his wife and 2 young sons ages 5 and 2. Pleeeeease pray pray pray.

Psalm46:5 said...

Please pray for an amazing wife I know, Andrea. She is the wife of our pastor Brent Yim who is fighting the most rare and aggressive brain cancer at stage 4 at the age of 34. Please pray for their family, their two young sons, and for HEALING and WISDOM and that their focus would stay on the Lord. Thank all you ladies so much! Brent's sermons can be looked up on YouTube by searching temecula community church, watch the one entitled "why" to get an understanding of what they are going thru. Here's a website some friends put together too, www.brentyimfund.com

Jessica Kramasz said...

Thank you for these wonderful, comforting words. Like the previous commenter I'm just feeling like a really overwhelmed and tired- out mom. I have a rebellious teenager, a toddler, and a newborn and I just feel exhausted and emotionally drained all the time. I'm sure the "baby blues" are a big part of it right now because its just not like me to feel like everything is so hopeless.
Thank you so much for your prayers.

Catherine Burton said...

"Where the foundations were destroyed, He built a new strong tower brick-by-brick." Thank you for this word. Very timely.

Anonymous said...

I need prayer... I'm in a circumstance that requires alot of love and patience. I strive daily with desperate determination to walk in joy and peace despite the hardship. I know "Joy is my strength" and I know that you must "seek peace, and pursue it." I consider my family my ministry and I am determined to become the Woman of God I need to be to build something beautiful out of our heart broken family. I believe in the power of God's plan. It just that sometimes I get very weary in well doing.

Brenda said...

I could use some prayer. I have two kids under 3 and two teenagers and just feel completely overwhelmed, depressed and alone. I continually try to stir up joy in my life and feel like I just can't muster it any more. I can't even fake a smile. I feel like God is being very silent. This week things have gone from bad to worse as the devourer is hard at work in our finances. Whatever can go wrong IS going wrong right now. Thank you for praying...I don't feel comfortable sharing this with just anyone. I'm praying for all who are leaving comments as well...

Anonymous said...

This is what my heart needed to hear today. I have three beautiful boys. I've longed for another child since my 3rd was born. Last spring I miscarried a much wanted and loved child. Found out in Feb we were pregnant again with TWINS. At a routine ultrasound both my twins were found without a heartbeat. Both measured perfectly at 12 weeks and 4 days. The following day I was induced and delivered two beautiful but tiny baby boys. I feel as though my heart within could burst with grief. I trust God is the healer of the broken hearted and I'm trusting Him to carry me through this most difficult time.

Kim said...

Thank you for this post! I have been having a season of struggling and not wanting my family to know about it, because I want their lives to be steady, and free from worry about their mom or circumstances. Today started off right, and then with one ill-timed comment (from an authority figure, infront of the kids), my day has spiraled downward. So, thank you. Thank you for this post.

Anonymous said...

I know what you are going through. You are amazing never think diffidently.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear friends,

I am praying for each and every single one of you. The Lord holds you and your circumstances in His hands. I am so grateful for the loving and supportive community that continues to grow here. You all are such a blessing! May the Lord continue to show His love and mercy to each one of us.

Many blessings...

Mrs. P said...

I have two daughters, ages 2 and 3 months. Two months ago, my older daughter was diagnosed with high functioning autism. She's in ABA therapy and improving already, but it's still hard to deal with. Also hard to deal with is the fact that because my older daughter is on the spectrum, my younger daughter and any other children we have are at a much greater risk for being on the spectrum as well. We're now not sure that we should have more children due to the risk, which makes me very sad. Please pray for my daughters and guidance for my husband and I regarding having more children.

Mrs. Stevenson said...

We want a home and financial freedom. As the wife I made poor choices financially that affects us today. I feel like a failure. My carnote is sky high credit is horrible and we want a house and more children. Lord help us. Im just tired of feeling depressed and stressed. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Please pray for our family--the Lord knows who we are. My husband has been out of work for months now and the Lord needs to provide either a job or the finances to keep us afloat. Also, the past few days, our family has been struck w/ a terrible influenza virus--high fevers (up to 103.8), coughing, achiness, dizziness and sluggishness. Pray this bug will pass quickly. It is really wearing on us! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Please pray for my family, my burden with my self destructive 15 yr old is great. I am robbed of joy and worry often without ceasing. I feel hopeless and helpless most of the time. My heart knows what is true and the prommises that the Lord has given but my mind is far from all that. With 3 other children who need me, I am feeling stretched to the point of breaking. I don't want to spend one more night with her in a mental ward, I don't want to worry what i'm going to find when I go to wake her in the morning. I am weary of the suicide and runaway watches. Waiting for the beauty to come from this mess.

Anonymous said...

I am struggling with the thought of fear that I did not obey the Masters call to rebuke a devil in a public nursing home. Pray the Lord show me plainly His will and that I do not dodge or fear of what men shall think or what man shall do unto me. Thank you!May God bless you. Am also praying and seeking Gods Grace and Mercy in all this and my thoughts and prayers go out for the rest of you all. Lord thou knowest we have so much good work and many blessings may we help others likewise. Lord thank you for your good gifts. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement. My body aches allover. Doctors have failed to diagonise the problem. I am a wirking wife and mother to an almost 3 year old and an 11 months baby. I am fatigued most of the time. Please pray with me that the God Lord will bring healing to my body and restore my joy in my work, marriage and parenting....

Thanks for the blog

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, May we all lift each other, our dear sisters-in-Christ, up to you. May your peace dwell in our hearts as we face our own personal struggles; May your strength carry us through, beyond what we even thought was possible; May your love shower upon us with a gentle warmth from within our very core as a person; May we continue to seek the blessings around us, no matter how small, simple, or insignificant it may seem at the time... Stir a new hope in us, helping us to seek joy over despair... In Jesus name ~ Amen

Praying alongside you Miss June, for all these sweet dear women...

Mrs Irene Onyango said...

Lord God, thank you for this opportunity. Father I pray that you touch everybody that has posted requesting for prayer. Lord you promised to be with us until the end of time, I ask that you heal those hurting with disease and emotional battles, mend broken families and hearts and father I especially remember pastor Brent Yim, you the God that is bigger than all kinds of cancers, heal him by your grace and mercy.
I trust you my Lord, and I have prayed through the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!

Jill said...

Dear Jennifer H with the three kids (3,4, and 5). I am a sister in the Lord. You need to give yourself just as much grace and noursishment as the Lord gives you. Do you remember when the Lord made Elijah(?) sit down under a tree and give him rest and the birds brought him food? It is all about the grace flow. The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart ... and your neighbor as yourself. The premise is you must love yourself. Accept yourself for who he has made you to be. Your shortcomings are atoned for. What are the basics everyday? Feed yourself from Him and from the produce of the land. Feed your kids, put them down for a nap, and make dinner. I also have three children born three years in a row. I am telling you advice he has shown me. Your children just want your presence. From your note it seems you need to try less, not more. Bless you, sister.

Anonymous said...

June and friends in Christ -- Please pray for my husband. He is being bullied and hazed at his county workplace. I cannot believe this is happening. We just moved here and just bought a house. The Lord will provide. My husband needs discernment in how to handle it.

Nanci (Joyfulmomof6) said...

Thank you for the opportunity...I have been a believer for 17 years, since just after my oldest was born. My husband is not a believer. It is very hard to live with him sometimes, as you can imagine Light and darkness do not mix.
I have learned to be more gracious and pray without ceasing. I am actually in the 2nd day of a 3 day "Esther" fast (although not as strict as hers) for a situation I need help approaching my dh with.
My 13 year old son with Autism has recently stopped being violent since we put him on meds about 4 months ago..praise the Lord...but it was contstant stress for 7 straight years. I can relate to that other mom who posted.
Praise the Lord for people like you, June, who give us a place of safety and grace.


Rhonda Devine said...

So true, June, as I mentioned to you on Sunday--so many families seem to be under attack right now from discouragement, wayward spouses and children. May the Lord harvest a mighty victory in the lives of His people!

Jen said...

I have a 13, 7 with LD and ADHD, and a 8 mnth old. I'm also pregnant. My husband works hard so I'm pretty much alone in everything. I've been feeling overwhelmed and fustrated and lonely. I it would be nice to have at least one friend. I'm so in need of adult conversation. And I feel like I'm failing my daughter that has LD and ADHD. Prayers needed and I will most certainly pray for everyone else.

Bonnie said...

Praying for each one....deliverance, healing, peace, financial miracles, wisdom and grace...in Jesus' Name! Don't let the enemy whisper lies in your ears....be strong and of good courage, be not afraid. God is good, all the time!

Debbie said...

We have satan working hard on our family. It seems the harder we try to do right the more we get "kicked".
Between major family matters including prison for one. And financial matter for half of us. I pray and give to the Lord, but half of them think God is a joke. Makes a mother sad. Asking for your prayers.

Meghan Carver said...

Both my husband and I are struggling with some intense but personal issues, and we are desperate to know the will of God. Thank you for all your prayers.

Anonymous said...

Dear June,
I love your blog. I am so emcouraged and strengthened by it. As the mother of 4 aged 8 and under, I find I often need some encouragement and strength along the way.
It has been a hard season in my life. My mother recently died of cancer, my father is set on remarrying another woman, and he is giving her (aka the new woman) - ALL of my mom's retirement money and ALL of my maternal grandma's estate $ - it isn't really about the money.... it is about the commitment he made to my mom - his wife of 50 years.... to not change the will and place the funds as my mother wanted..i.e. "to be equally divided between my sibling and myself and then passed down to our kids." My dad has pretty much told me he doesn't care about the commitment he made to my mom, he doesn't care what she wanted to happen with her $, he is giving it all to this woman who never knew my mom or my grandma and there is nothing my sibling and I can do to change his mind. It is like I lost both my mom and my dad all in one fell swoop.

Anonymous said...

My husband has gotten random lay offs for the last several months and finances are very bad. We cut our phone, and went down to 2 vehicle. There is nothing else we can possibly cut and we don't have cable TV like most folks do. I am a homeschool mom and we soley rely on my husbands income. Please pray for my husbands job to pick up. It doesn't look good at all.

Anonymous said...

Please join your prayers with mine for my family. My marriage is not what God would have it be. We became intimate before we were married and the consequences and pain has contintued since then. We now have several children and I pray for God's grace to be forgiving in the situations that arise, yet not devalue myself as God's child. My children are deeply affected by the relationship they see between my husband and I. The situation seems impossible to fix, but I trust and believe that with God all things are possible. My prayer is for my husband and I to be truly connected in heart and purpose. God's will be done.

~Zeal said...

Thank you, Mrs. Fuentes, for your blog, and for this post, and for opening the comments for sharing. I just spent time reading each ad every comment(and foud myself praying while i read) and realizing, I am not alone. Others are overwhelmed, feeling like they've failed(in one or more ways), are discouraged,and tired(so very tired), too.
My hurt and discouragement lie in realizing- through reading articles on the Visionary Daughters website,- a glimmer of the magnitude of my failure. The fruit in my life, and my children's lives, shows it clearly.
Lord, forgive me. Help me/us change. See us through the required changes, in tact, mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally and socially as a family.

Praying for all you dear Ladies/sisters in the Lord,

Benn's Wife said...

Thank you for this encouragement. Trying to remain faithful in a difficult and painful situation with no apparent resolve, but trusting my Lord who specializes in the impossible and asking Him to give me the grace to remain faithful and to do it in a way that pleases Him.

Anonymous said...

I really needed that. I lost my mother a couple months ago and it seems like I am in a haze of sadness. Being the best mother I can be right now, has been difficult, I would appreciate the prayer.

Michelle @Growing Mama

Melissa said...

My life has been turned upside down. My youngest child, Andy - age 7, was diagnosed with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on 3/31/12. He was hospitalized for 10 days and we just got home Saturday. He had his second chemo treatment Monday. It's going to be a long road ahead (about 3.25 yrs for treatment), but we are holding strong to our Saviour during this nightmare of a time. Special prayers for our family and especially Andy would be great appreciated.

Jacqueline @ Deeprootsathome.com said...

Such a beautiful post, and as I read some of the comment, a post that has touched a nerve! We are all broken vessels without Jesus! He IS the only way to peace and joy. Yes, pain runs deep, and as I struggle with things in my life, I must give it all over to Him every minute. So glad He loves us so much. Thank you for being such an encouraging sister in the LORD.


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