Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ministry in Our Home

The challenge of ministry in our home
is that we do not always feel very “spiritual”
when we wash our dishes.

It hardly feels significant to scrub our toilet. 
We can feel that we are truly ministering when the Lord

uses us to communicate a word of wisdom to someone,
or He provides an opportunity
to share the gospel with our neighbor. 

That seems like real ministry.
And that is real ministry to be sure! 

But no more so than when we are wiping runny noses
or cleaning the bathroom.

That is because we have a very narrow view of true spirituality...
The Lord wants to help us see the significance of ministry at home.

~Carolyn Mahaney, wife of C.J. Mahaney


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Mrs. Stam said...

Oh how I love this quote!!!! And it's so very true, keeping home, serving our husband training our little one heart is so very important, even when it does not look overly glamorous (or when seams unnoticed)!!!

thank you for sharing those words of wisdom, with us all today


Miranda said...

Very encouraging quote :) As a mommy of 7 the devil try's very hard to shift my thinking of what is *enough*.

Caroline said...

I have been seeking this affirmation the past week or so. Thank you so much for posting this - it has brought me much comfort.

Rhonda @ Abide at Home said...

Thanks for the encouragement - I know this in my BRAIN, but sometimes my HEART forgets.....

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


Yes, aren't we so prone to forget? Love being reminded too!


The devil will constantly shift our thinking and lie to us--he is the father of lies and we need to rebuke ungodly thinking as soon as we realize it is taking place and replace it with God's truth. Often times the battlefield is in the mind.

Many blessings...

Jennifer said...

Good post! I sure struggle with feeling as I am doing something worthwhile when all I do is stay home and take care of my babies and clean the house.

Far Above Rubies said...

So true!! I love this quote.


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