Monday, December 5, 2011

Creative Homeschooling in December

December can be a busy time for most homeschooling mothers. Many mothers have much more on their plate this time of year especially with extra events, commitments, shopping for gifts, sometimes sick children, etc. Often times mothers feel overwhelmed, thinking they can't do it all and are struggling to keep up with homeschooling. They look around at the whirwind of things that need to be done and ultimately feel like a failure.

But it doesn't have to be this way.  

No, it doesn't.

I know many mothers who plan for a special break during the December months. Some mothers purposefully take off a few weeks to ease up the load, while other moms take the entire month of December off and make it up during the regular school year.

Either way, I want you to know that this is a busy time for moms all around and you are not alone. Instead, I want you to think creatively about this holiday. I want you to think about special memories being made, your children learning about the Lord, your children learning life skills of serving others, with some learning still actually taking place! I was very pleased to have stumbled across Sherry's article (she is a mom of 15) that will encourage you:

I would also like to add the incredible amount of reading that can take place together snuggled under a warm quilt during this month--reading the Bible, Christmas stories, and so forth, good will projects, helping the homeless, feeding the hungry, creating skits/plays of the story of Jesus's birth--whatever you can dream of can make a wonderful learning experience for everyone. As a homeschooling mom, you have the freedom to take learning to a new level--don't forget that.  Take advantage of the holiday season, implement some of the fun ideas Sherry has listed,  and make it special for your family.

Remember, January will be here soon enough--if not in a blink of an eye.

You can get refocused then! 


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Anonymous said...

The kids and I made ornaments yesterday and I got the idea from the blog post you mentioned :)I am a first year homeschooling mom and it gave me the confidence to step back and take a break from our cirriculum the month of December.
Thank You for such encouraging words!
Sarah L.

Anonymous said...

I think taking the time to learn about the true meaning of the holiday (i.e. Christ's birth, giving, etc.) is a wonderful idea for homeschooling in December. These are important topics our children to know. Thank you for the reminder!

Susie said...

Wonderful thoughts! Homeschooling can happen on any day, whereas Christmas is only once a year. A homeschooling mom can make the Christmas season a fun time with making things and helping others. Homeschooling doesn't have to have "academics" everyday!


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