Friday, November 4, 2011

Pearls of Wisdom

"For every look at self

take ten looks at Christ."

-Robert Murray McCheyne

What a wise and timely reminder--we need to remember not to fix our sights on ourselves

or those around us

but keep our thoughts focused on Christ above.

Also, visit

Walking With Sarah who is sharing on how to

"Walk Alongside"

Great food for thought!

Have a blessed weekend!

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Kyrie said...

I had never noticed the beautiful image of the dark-haired banner-mending princess on your sidebar. Could you tell me where to find that image? I would also love to learn who the artist is.



Maiden Princess said...

What an apt reminder. Thank you for posting that. I often find myself to engulfed in my appearance or even more self-reflectiong or analizing than is necessary, instead I need to focus more on Christ. This is where peace and joy come from. He is the beauty that will radiate out of my heart!

Thank you!
Because of Grace,
Maiden Princess


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