Friday, September 2, 2011

Heavenly Chocolate and Link-Up

Yesterday we enjoyed our first day back at school! It was loads of fun and my daughter, Janai, made a special dessert to bless her siblings. Take a look:

And, yes, we were in heaven when we ate it. 

You can get this amazing recipe here.  

We are doing a link-up today to celebrate Friday and get your amazing posts shared with the thousands of woman who enjoy reading this blog.

If you have a post you would like to share about motherhood, Titus 2, recipes, marriage, building up your home, homemaking, character, hospitality, femininity, tea, etc. we would love to have you share it with us!

When you link up here please use the image below to let others know that you have linked up here so that they might join in the fun and be encouraged as well:

Have a blessed day building up strong homes to His glory!


Barbara said...

That looks awesome, my dh made an awesome strawberry bake for my Bday and it is so good, but Chocolate and peanut butter yummy.

Jacinda Vandenberg said...

Ooops! I just drooled on my keyboard; that dessert looks AMAZING!

Mrs. H. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mikailah Autumn said...

Wow.. that looks great!! :) Thank you for sharing.

Lisa said...

What a nice collection of links! Looking forward to browsing through... Thanks for hosting, ~Lisa

Anita said...

I am having trouble linking my post up! It's been a problem all week for me with the Linky Tools. Here is the post I had hoped to share....Thanks!

Claire said...

What a delicious treat!



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