Tuesday, July 5, 2011

To My Mom....

Hello Everyone! This is Janai (June’s oldest daughter) hacking into her blog. I wanted to let you all know what an incredible mom I have! And today being her 40th birthday (hint, hint- leave a comment!)-- I wanted to share a little with you. My mom is first of all a child of God-- a daughter of THE High King-- a princess-- and a queen. She is treasured by the most amazing and loving father there ever could be, by her wonderful husband, by me, by all the rest of her children, by family members, by friends, and by people like you. Second, she is a mother to three princesses and five future presidents (yes, be jealous)! Third, she’s a world changer. She can write like it's nobody’s business. She can listen to people who talk with her (which is rare these days). She's constantly trying to grow in her walk with the Lord. She's there if I need her. She's youthful, beautiful, and still has big dreams! We can tease each other and have fun together. Over the weekend, she did her finger nails red, white, and blue for the holiday (which made all of us girls proud of her!). :) She's not afraid to try new things. She's always trying to learn anything she can! I love her! 

One thing I got from her is her love of spending time in the cemetery. It's so peaceful there and you can forget life for just a moment. I think there are not enough mom's out there that are doing their job. There are so many children, teens, and adults that wish their mom was involved in their lives someway. That wish they could've seen them graduate. They wish their mom would've been there helping them with relationships or family problems. I am just absolutely blessed to have both my father and mother right here at my side all the time whenever I need them.
Thank you, God! Thank you for picking her out of anybody else in the world to be my mother. Thank you for bringing her to You when she most needed You in her life. I could not imagine where I would be if you had not lead her to Your Son, Jesus Christ.  I could not imagine where she or my dad would be if You had not come and saved her--but You had another plan for her life. You had planned her life out from the beginning. I am so thankful for that... She is the best mom anyone could've ever had and I love her to death!

I love you, mom!!! Happy 40th Birthday!!! I am so glad you're getting to live your childhood dreams now!! I feel like crying as I write this. :) Thanks for teaching me everything you ever taught me. I might not understand them all now but one day (hopefully) I will. 

You. Are. Seriously. THE. Best.

All My Love,


“Mother is the name for God
in the lips and hearts of little children.”

-William Makepeace Thackeray


Joy said...

What a beautiful tribute, from a lovely daughter! You are truly blessed.

I hope your birthday is beautiful and joy-filled!


Jessica Kramasz said...

Happy birthday!!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

What precious words.... I can tell you as a mum myself that these words will probably be the most precious birthday gift she could possibly get :)
God bless her, and you for making her day :)

This Mama's Journey said...

Wow, what a beautiful introduction to you and your blog! It appears your God has gifted your daughter with so much of what He has gifted you! This was so encouraging to read today and I thank your daughter for her words! I hope and pray that one day long down the road, I can do the same for my daughters and sons, but focusing first on the love, purpose, and ways of Jesus Christ! I look forward to following your blog and reading up on the series posted at Raising Homemakers, featuring your post! Have a blessed week!

Far Above Rubies said...

Beautiful tribute.

You have risen up and publicly blessed your mother. Proverbs 31.

You have fulfilled scripture which brings hope to mothers who, at times, can't see past the present moment.

You did good, Janai!!!

Caroline said...

A very happy birthday to you! You who inspire me in more ways than I can count. I hold you in my prayers and hope that you know how much you touch women's lives with the words you share with us, the wisdom God has granted you.
May you have a beautiful and blessed birthday and next year of your life.
Lots of Love,

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

It is just the most beautiful thing to hear young people honour their parents. Janai - You and your mom are living examples of Proverbs 31 .28 'Her children rise up and call her blessed.' I have just wished your mom a happy birthday and told her that the 40's have been one of the most fulfilling times in my life. Much of that is because I am involved in my children's lives and I'm seeing them grow into Godly young people - that is the greatest reward of all for a mother. I need encouragement to be that wise woman and your mom and her beautiful blog were an answer to prayer.

Barbara said...

That is so precious for you to give tribute to your mom lke this, Happy Birthday, and God bless you this special day, you have a great daughter, hugs Barbara

Barbara said...

That is such a great tribute to your mom, God bless you, and ♪♪Happy birthday June♪♪, hope your day is really filled with lots of love and blessings, Hugs ♥ Barbara

Mrs. E said...

Beautiful post, Janai!!

Happy Birthday, dearest Mrs.Fuentes!
You are a blessing!!!

Love~ Miss Jen

Mikailah Autumn said...

Happy Birthday!

Michele said...

Happy Birthday June!!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet tribute Janai! Happy Birthday June!

Summer said...


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Happy Birthday!


nabibiddi said...

This is so sweet of you Janai :-)
You are blessed.

Have a wonderful birthday June!

Lara said...

Janai, you have a wonderful mother, but June, you have a wonderful daughter! What a beautiful tribute. Happy birthday and many blessings to you all.

Keli Kalani said...

Oh, how precious and beautiful! Happy Birthday!!

JOYfully in Him,

Aritha Vermeulen said...

Happy birthday, you there far over sea!

Terri said...

Happy Birthday to you !!!! and .... btw.... What a blessing to have such a beautiful tribute from your Daughter!!!! WOW .....

Sharon said...

Haapy, happy Birthday!! May God bless you with many more years to be a light for Him.

blessed_theresa said...

Happy Birthday!

What a blessing to have so many wonderfully children rising up to call you blessed!

Missy said...

That was just precious! What love you could feel from reading your daughters words. I do agree you are very admired! I appreciate so much of the Godly advice you give us on the blog. I found yours at least a couple of years ago and always come back for times of encouragement any many areas. Hope your B-day was great. You share a birthday with my 2nd child. She turned 13!! Happy Birthday!

Katherine said...

Ahh! Happy Birthday to You, God Bless

Shelly Foster said...

Hello Janai -- what a blessing your post was couldnt agree more on your post!! I absolutly love this page and check as often as possible!!! WHat a blessing!! As a mother of a future prince I love knowing I am not alone trying to raise Godly child!!! Have a blessed 40th!!

the Pollock family said...

Thanks Janai! We are blessed!

Paper Blessings said...

Happy Birthday Blessings! And what a beautiful post from your daughter. Such a blessing to know that God is getting glory because of your love for your precious family and they have lifted you up. Hope you enjoyed the day!

Mortal2 said...

Happy Birthday!! (=

LeAnn said...

What a lovely tribute to you from a very sweet daughter. Somehow when you receive such a gift; it makes all the struggles of motherhood seem less.
Wishing you a late Happy Birthday.
Blessings to you!

Paula said...

What a joy to read, and such a lovely tribute! Thanks, Janai...hopefully your punishment for hacking your mom's account won't be too severe! ;)

Gillian said...

Happy birthday! Hope is is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mrs. Fuentes! What a delightful post....Like Mother, Like Daughter....
God bless you both. :)

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful post! Happy Birthday!

Grateful Grammy said...

Dear June, A very happy birthday to you -- late, I know, but I'm behind in my reading and just saw the lovely post written by one of your daughters. Your blog is WONDERFUL and always a delight, inspiration, and encouragement to me. May our Lord continue to work through you to bless all of us!


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