Saturday, July 9, 2011

How to Be Spiritually Minded

Enjoyed reading this by John Piper today:

Realize that millions of people in the other religions of the world

 are not looking for people

with more American cultural coolness or techno savvy.

They are looking for a “holy man,”
 a “man of God.”

The question will not be,
“Is he quick-witted and fast-talking and clever?”

The question will be:

“Does he pray a lot?

Does he know his holy Book, much of it by heart?

Is he self-denying and focused on God?

Is he powerful in his weakness?”

Read the rest here:

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Vilisi said...

This is refreshing. Thank you.

Amy said...

Very inspiring! In Christian circles, we hear so much about trying to be "relevant" to modern culture when the real emphasis needs to be on pursuing God and deepening in knowledge of Him. Thanks for the reminder.


Stacy Orndorff said...

Yikes. That was convicting. Thank you for reminding me what really matters.

Keli Kalani said...

Just wanted to finally comment and say I am always so encouraged by your words or the words you share! Always enjoy my visit and am always encouraged in my calling as a woman of God, thanks for taking the time to share whats on your heart for His glory and for the advancement of His kingdom!!

JOYfully in Him,

Debbie Dillon said...

Beautiful! Love your blog - it's such a sweet place to land and take a deep breath any time of day. Be blessed :)

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your thoughts and this was inspiring.
Blessings to you!
Living Waters by LeAnn

Comments from google are down

Mikailah Autumn said...

Thank you for sharing. That is very encouraging.

Grateful Grammy said...

Wonderful message by John Piper. Thank you for making it available to us. I needed to read that!


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