Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blogging to Advance the Kingdom of God

When I first started a blog all I wanted to do was to share the life giving word to those who really needed it. With the Word of God comes freedom and that freedom is powerful and unleashes an impact and influence that can be eternal.

I was raised in a culture that taught that motherhood was drudgery and being a wife was demeaning. When I became those things, I knew there had to be more. I learned from older godly mentors that what I had learned all my life was a lie. Motherhood was be beautiful and being a helpmeet to my husband was a noble and high calling from God. This truth forever changed my life and I wanted others to share it.

I began blogging.

So many people ask me constantly, especially since I am a consultant, if they should start a blog. I believe as Christians that is a personal decision to make taking into account what season you might be in and if it is the Lord's will for you. Blogging is not always easy especially if you do not have a natural bent towards writing. I have been blogging for five years now and think that I have seen it all. I have seen blogs come and go and seen great ones rise up. I have also been mentored by some excellent blogs and have been exposed to great heresy as well.

Here are my ultimate thoughts on blogging---if you do decide to blog and you are a Christian then do it to advance the Kingdom of God here on earth. Do it with your heart and do it with passion! With the zeal of the apostles reach across borders and nations and spread the gospel like a wildfire! The lost need to hear that there is hope and that living waters await them. Refresh the discouraged, reform the culture and saturate the internet with the living Word that sharpens the Christian and saves the lost. Teach the younger women that our foremothers never had an opportunity to reach and do it to His glory. Never in history have we ever had this type of access to the world---we cannot and will not allow media to be taken over by those who hate God so that they can share their values and lead the world (and Christians) astray.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.."
Colossians 3:23

And whatever you do, PRAY. Seek God's leading in it all. Ask HIM what He would have you blog about and not copy the blogger next door. It is a great responsibility to share His word so be careful to handle it carefully and responsibly. Watch your life because others will be watching you closely too, never let blogging consume your life or steal you away from your important priorities at home. And lastly, be careful as you are online not to be led away from from false teachers, especially in blogosphere. Remember, that there are many wolves in sheep's clothing and we need to examine them.

This is part of an excellent series called Blogging In Between, please also visit my fellow Christian sisters:

Jaime @ Like A Bubbling Brook -  Blogging As A Christian
Jasmine @ Far Above Rubies - Blogging as a Mother
Jessica @ Muthering Heights - Blogging In Between Your Marriage
Caroline @ The Modest Mom - Blogging as a Business
Amy @ Raising Arrows - Blogging In Between Homeschooling


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Caseybumpinalong said...

Excellent post, and a great reminder to use blogging as an opportunity for world wide outreach for advancing God's kingdom. Thank you.

Far Above Rubies said...

Excellent, as always, June. Advancing God's Kingdom is our first priority.

Karen M said...

Hi June
This post was a blessing to me. I am a pastor's wife and have a hectic lifestyle, but also love to make cards to encourage others. A couple of months ago I started a blog and on my posts of my cards I also like to have a thought for the week to encourage others with the Word of God. Here in Northern Ireland people take God's Word for granted and don't see it as the blessing it is meant to be so if I can even share a small part of it, then that is hopefully advancing the Kingdom of God. Thank you for today's post xx

Ruth@thebettermom said...

Wow this is a great post and I am pumped to read more! Thank you for doing this series.

Barbara said...

Very good post, excellent advice in blogging. I have been blogging for a couple years now, I am a married, for over 50 years woman, having raised 5 children, and now I have much more time for me things than I did prior. Saved and wa to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many as I can. My husband is a preacher, and he was pastor for over 25 years, about 3 years ago he resigned our church, he now preaches often, in various places. I have a couple ladies sites, and my blog, I love blogging and it fills many empty times. I blog about all sort of things, mostly just things I know, or have experienced. Thanks for your blog, and the encouragement of reading it has brought. Be blessed and keep being a blessing, Barbara from

Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

This is a great series! Thank you for the reminder that above all we should be sharing the Truth of God's Word to our readers! And, to pray, pray, and pray some more! said...

Agreed. There is a lot out there that is so negative, so detrimental to faith. Your blog, and others like it, have lifted me up and educated me many times. Thank You.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear ladies,

Thank you so much for taking precious time out of your day to leave a comment! Blogging is a topic that some think is neutral but can definitely be used for the glory of God. The other ladies who were part of this series also wrote great posts and offer wise advice as well~be sure to visit them!

Many blessings...

Donalacasa said...

This was a blessing. I didn't have godly mentors within my own family to help me grow as a submissive wife and attentive mother. I had to learn from other sources. I think blogging is a great way to glean from on another what we have missed.

"Where no wise guidance is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." Prov. 11:14


Anonymous said...

Hi June,

You are welcome to come and read what I gleaned from your posts today!

Thank you for making me think about the WHY of blogging!

Raising Mighty Arrows said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the posts from each of you ladies in this series. Such sound instruction and encouragement is priceless.

Jessica Heights said...


You have such a lovely way of cutting to the truth so succinctly! :)

Head Ant said...

Thank you for writing this. I'm trying to do this very thing as I blog.

Mama Z's said...

Thank you for posting! I just happened on your blog and am enjoying it very much.

Eve | Inchworm Chronicles said...

I enjoyed reading this post because I agree so much with it. We share very similar values at heart. This is one of the main reasons why I blog, as well. Thank you for your courageous blog that is such an encouragement for mothers like me and a light to the world!

Nona@gr8day2save said...

Thank you for sharing such excellent wisdom and advice.

Steve Schaefer said...

I hope it's okay for a man to leave a comment here! Thank you for your emphasis on the kingdom of God. It's such an important topic. I'd like to offer this list of resources I've found to be helpful in understanding this subject:

God bless you!

Becky said...

Great post! I get so excited when I see that there are people from other countries stopping by my blog!!! I LOVE that I get to minister to the world from my little chair in the den:)

Unknown said...

I must say, I love what you are doing at the moment. There is so much you could find on this topic but when you want to make a difference for HIS sake then what you do is very different!

___ said...

Great piece of advice.
Thank you!
God bless!

This Mama's Journey said...

AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!! Thank you and God bless you for your obedience and encouragement! Thank you!


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