Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Encouraging Quotes for Homemakers

While it is not uncommon for the role of homemaker to be devalued in society today, we know that all that is done in our home is holy work, a sacrifice to Him who watches over us day and night. We do not take our work lightly and seek to glorify Him in all that we attempt to do. I am not speaking of perfection here, instead a willing, persevering heart. Here are some quotes to encourage you:

No ordinary work done by a man is either as hard or as responsible as the work of a woman who is bringing up a family of small children; for upon her time and strength demands are made not only every hour of the day but often every hour of the night. She may have to get up night after night to take care of a sick child, and yet must by day continue to do all her household duties well; and if the family means are scant she must usually enjoy even her rare holidays taking her whole brood of children with her. The birth pangs make all men the debtors of all women. Above all our sympathy and regard are due to the struggling wives among those whom Abraham Lincoln called the plain people, and whom he so loved and trusted; for the lives of these women are often led on the lonely heights of quiet, self-sacrificing heroism. 

 -Teddy Roosevelt, 1905

I long to accomplish great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty and joy to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. 

 -Helen Keller

What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow.

 -Martin Luther

She asks not how her behavior may please a stranger, or how another’s judgment may approve her conduct; let her beloved be content and she is glad.

-Charles Spurgeon describing the excellent wife

"I'm only a housewife, I'm afraid." How often do we hear this shocking admission. I'm afraid when I hear it I feel very angry indeed. Only a housewife: only a practitioner of one of the two most noble professions (the other one is that of a farmer); only the mistress of a huge battery of high and varied skills and custodian of civilization itself. Only a typist, perhaps! Only a company director, or a nuclear physicist; only a barrister; only the President! When a woman says she is a housewife she should say it with the utmost pride, for there is nothing higher on this planet to which she could aspire."

— John Seymour

"The career of motherhood and homemaking is beyond value and needs no justification. It's importance is incalculable."

— Katherine Short


Far Above Rubies said...

June, thank you for this post. I especially love the quote by Hellen Keller.



P.S. I love the background. It's pretty.

Renee said...

Thank you for this post. I especially appreciated Charles Spurgeon's quote. It's a good reminder not to "keep up with the Jones'."

Lisa said...

Love this! So timely. I, too, especially appreciate the Helen Keller quote. I'm linking to this post from my own little blog this morning. Thanks for sharing! ~Lisa

Sherri said...

What a wonderful word of encouragement and strength. Thank you for being a vessel for God to use in such a way!

Sherri said...

Post script of my previous post, I truly love this background!!!

Robin said...

Helen Keller's quote is one of my all-time favorites! I think of it often when going through my "small days."

Be Ye Holy said...

Very encouraging! I like the quotes, thanks!

Becoming a Woman of Excellence said...

Thank you dear June, for this lovely post. Blessings.

Becoming a Woman of Excellence said...

Thank you dear June, for this lovely post.

Anonymous said...

Here's another quote I love:

"We cannot insist that the first years of infancy are of supreme importance, and that mothers are not of supreme importance; or that motherhood is a topic of sufficient interest for men, but not of sufficient interest for mothers. Every word that is said about the tremendous importance of trivial nursery habits goes to prove that being a nurse is not trivial. All tends to the return of the simple truth that the private work is the great one and the public work the small. The human house is a paradox, for it is larger inside than out." - G.K. Chesterton: “The Common Man.”


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