Sunday, March 20, 2011

What Will Last: Raising Nations for Him

Hear a testimony and be encouraged from a former medical physician who gave it all up to come home and be a mother (of eight) to her children. She also shares her experience and advice about how money and material possessions won't last but raising nations for the Lord will.



Elizabeth said...

Thanks for posting this! I can very much relate to that woman, so this is such an encouragement.

Elly said...

Wow, what a powerful testimony! It's amazing how the Lord can cause all the esteemed things of the world seem as worthless in the eyes of those who love Him, so that the worth of Jesus Christ our Savior is magnified. Thank you for posting this!

Julie C. said...

I have been reading your blog for over a year now-I love it. You really inspire me to dig deep and do things the way the Lord would have me do them, instead of how I was brought up to believe. I was so surprised when I opened your blog today and my very favorite family from my church was in the video clip. This mom is amazing and she is sharing alot with my 17 year old daughter. I thank the Lord for women like this who can mentor just by their lifestyle. She has a lot to offer in the way of what a biblical wife should look like. Thank you so much for posting the video.

Sammy and Missy Parris said...

I first saw this on the Vision forum blog and quickly showed it to my children so they could also enjoy it. An inspiring story that I am so glad I heard.

Daughter of a King said...

Beautiful testimony.

I just wanted to share that on my blog at the top of the page is a button up for grabs to post to donate to the American Red Cross for the Japan Relief Effort. <3

Katherine said...

This was great to watch. I gave up a successful career to become a stay at home mother. I know this is what the Lord led me to do. I appreciated seeing a qualified professional woman as her testimony helped me to feel validated by my choice to follow Jesus too. Thank you and God Bless

Anonymous said...

This is such a heartwarming story but I have to add that I find it sad that a woman should get brownie points from others for wanting to be home with her children. I think our society has really strayed when it's become the exception and not the rule. It is a woman's first responsibilty to be home with the children she bore and the husbands responsibility to make that possible. I am impressed with the husband in this case as many men would be pressuring their MD wife to get out there and bring home the big-bucks instead of supporting her to be home with the children. What is with the world today? Why do so many women today think someone else should raise their children in day-orphanages while they pursue a career? I think of the women who can not afford to be home with their children and their hearts yearn to do so. It's so sad. Meanwhile so many women purposefully leave their children to serve their own selfish needs. It is the natural thing to raise your own babies. Love your blog btw!

Rose said...

So glad julie C posted and gave a realistic view of the lady in the video. 8 children is really a lot!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great testimony. I think it is wonderful that you get to stay at home and raise your children and I too believe in bringing my children up to serve and love the Lord, but sometimes, in my own community and church, I feel homeschool parents and friends judge me because I don't stay at home. No where in the Bible does it say that if I work outside the home I am committing a sin or that home is the only place I should be. I guess I just get tired of those who think they are better than me because of their choice to stay at home and homeschool their children. May God bless you on your journey.

Anonymous said...

I know you will probably NOT post my comment but IF you do please post the anonymous one. Thanks

Jasmine said...

I can very much relate to this womans Testimony. I am not a medical professional yet but I have been wavering between going to nursing school or not. The Lord has made it clear that the work force is no longer for me. I do work but only the jobs he provides me with, they are simple and non stressful.

To the Anonymous lady above, if you have to work to support your family that is fine. Not everyone can afford to stay at home or maybe the husband doesn't support those beliefs. But don't let others discourage you, if they didn't take the time to get to know you for themselves and see if maybe they could be of an assistance to you, don't entertain their pride. Grace and Peace


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