Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Inward Appearance

I've been thinking a lot about the inward appearance of a woman. Often times we get caught up in legalism and performance, and forget that which is most valuable and eternal to God.

What are you wearing today? Is it anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, gossip, rebellion, or hate?

While you put on your pretty dress, is there resentment disfiguring your body? As you line your lips with gloss, does your mouth dabble in curses and gossip? Your hand automatically covers your eye with shadow to bring out those beautiful baby blues, but what are those baby blues coveting?

Look in the mirror today, but instead of your usual morning routine cry out to God and ask Him to give you that which is most precious in His sight - a gentle and quiet spirit.

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

I Peter 3:3-4

This encouraging post is by Jasmine of Far Above Rubies~
Thanks so much for sharing!


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Anonymous said...

My bible study for February is Elizabeth George's Putting on a Gentle and Quiet spirit. I am can't wait! Right now I am in here study on James "Growing in Wisdom & Faith". Great studies!
I really liked your post. It speaks to me! Thank you!

Steph. :) said...

Thank you. I was hurt deeply by some words from one of my sisters over the weekend and my heart has been full of resentment and sadness even though I did not respond in kind. Then I found myself lashing out last night at one of my children. Today I will speak with the law of kindness and pray that all the hurt and pain subside.

Jenn said...

Thank you for your words of wisdom and for your insight.

Cookie said...

Just beautiful, Mrs. June. Thanks for sharing! Be blessed always!

Sharon said...

Such truth and a great reminder.

Far Above Rubies said...

Thank you for sharing, June.

The books you included are wonderful resources. Thanks again!!

Lilly said...

Thank you for your words of wisdom,and encouragement.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Steph,

I am so sorry to hear that you were hurt, I was hurt this past year too and found that this post really helped:

I used it to remind myself to forgive and hopefully it will help you too!

Many blessings...

The Professor's Wife said...

I think gratitude is essential to a gentle and quiet spirit!

Debbie S said...

Can you please email me concerning the photo use for the Jan. 12 "Inward Appearance" post. I've like to know more about the picture - where you got it and the name.

jeane said...

this also, made me think of how a child looks at himself; we always teach "see the beauty within", but I think an exercise, of , actually, listing what they see on the outside compared to how they feel on the inside, would be helpful. I would love to hear children describe their inner feelings in comparison to how they appear to cope on the outside. I asked my granddaughter why she had changed so much at 13yrs old, while recalling some happy times at church camp at age 11...she replied" Oh! that was before I decided 'who' I wanted to be"...I have been a little concerned at 'who' that person will be ; but all we can do is pray and set an example and hope for her inner beauty to shine


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