Thursday, December 2, 2010

Characteristics of a Meek and Quiet Spirit

I found this wonderful list~ Characteristics of a Meek and Quiet Spirit, over at Revive Our Hearts, a ministry of Nancy Leigh Demoss:

Meekness is calm confidence, settled assurance, and rest of the soul. It is the tranquil stillness of a heart that is at rest in Christ. It is the place of peace. Meekness springs from a heart of humility, radiating the fragrance of Christ.
The meek will be at rest in the storms of life …
(Matthew 11:28–30; Psalm 37:7; Hebrews 4:1–11)
The fretful will be fearful in the storms of life …
(Mark 4:35–41; Jeremiah 50:6)

The meek will react to circumstances with peaceful trust …
(Isaiah 26:3–4)
The fretful will attempt to manipulate individuals or circumstances …
(James 4:1–3; Proverbs 7:21)

The meek will make life choices based on Scriptural principles …
(Psalm 119:105)
The fretful will make life choices based on emotions or fleeting passions of the moment …
(James 3:13–18; Proverbs 19:16)

The meek woman’s confidence is in the security of the truths of Scripture and the faithfulness of God …
(Proverbs 3:26, 14:26; Psalm 119:165; Jeremiah 17:7–8)
The fretful woman’s trust is in her own abilities and power to control others and details …
(Proverbs 12:15, 14:12, 16:25; Jeremiah 18:12)

“Meekness is the silent submission of the soul to the 'providence' of God concerning us.”
—Matthew Henry

The meek woman finds her worth and value in knowing who she is in Christ …
(Ephesians 1:3–8)
The fretful woman finds her worth and value in her own accomplishments and what others think of her …
(Psalm 49:11–20; Proverbs 11:28, 16:18–19, 29:25)

The meek woman finds her strength of character in Christ …
(Ephesians 5:8–11)
The fretful woman finds her strength of character in her own personality traits …
(Proverbs 28:26)

Meekness restrains the stormy tempest of our emotions and passions by commanding them“peace be still” …
(Proverbs 16:32)
Fretting fuels the stormy tempest by venting passions and emotions …
(Psalm 37:8; Proverbs 14:29–30, 29:11, 22)

Meekness is the strength and courage to battle and overcome our own sinful anger and passions, by holding fast to peace—through trusting in the providence of Almighty God …
(Romans 12:18–19; Colossians 3:1–17; 1 Peter 4:19)
The fretful woman is too fearful and weak to trust God,but allows her sinful emotions and passions to rule …
(Proverbs 28:25)

“The work and office of meekness is to enable us to govern our own anger when at anytime we are provoked, and patiently bear out the anger of others that it may not be a provocation to us.”
—Matthew Henry

Meekness is constancy and steady composure in spirit and frame of mind, reflecting the consistent stability of our Lord, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
(Psalm 102:25–27; Ephesians 4:13–15; 1 Peter 3:13–16; Hebrews 13:8)
The fretful woman is always on a roller-coaster ride of emotions, continually up and down …the only thing consistent about her is that you never know what mood to expect.
(Proverbs 21:9, 19, 25:24)

Meekness does not allow the mind to run away with vain imaginations and to dwell on thoughts which inflame volatile emotions and passions …
(2 Corinthians 10:3–5; Philippians 4:8–9)
The rash woman is filled with suspicions, doubts, and assumptions based entirely on emotion, and allows these imaginations to determine the course of action …
(3 John 9–10)

The meek woman does not avoid or run from controversy, but walks through necessary confrontations under the control of the Holy Spirit …
(Galatians 6:1–2; Proverbs 27:5)
The rash woman enters controversy hastily and recklessly …
(Proverbs 10:19, 13:3, 14:16–17, 29:20)

The meek woman is at peace because she is master over her passions …
(Proverbs 17:27, 25:28, 29:11)
The rash woman is fretful because she is mastered by her passions …
(Psalm 37:1–8; Romans 6:16; James 1:14–17) 

Read the rest here.

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Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

This is good stuff. I need a serious dose of meekness today! My computer went haywire, my water heater is leaking and flooding my closet, and my dishwasher quit working! I need to continue to develop that spirit of trust and a heart of thankfulness for all the things I do have, such as electricity and a stove. Water and a roof that isn't leaking.

Here's to meekness! Thank you, Lord, that we can trust you in the midst of the little things and the big things.

Debs said...

Great article! However, where it says "Read the rest here", I clicked on it and it was a bad link.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Debs,

I caught that a few minutes ago---sorry, it is fixed now! :)

Many blessings...

Alisa said...

This is incredible. My, how I want to be that woman. Thank you for this very useful post!

Anonymous said...

Wow... great post.. I wish I could be more meek in the Lord... I really enjoyed this : )

Mrs. Stam said...

Thank you what a great reminder that we as women need to cultivate meekness :-)

Mrs. P. said...

I will definitely be bookmarking this post. I really needed to read it, as I tend to be a "fretful" person when things start going haywire. Thankfully, the Lord has been working in me a lot lately with regard to that, and He definitely used this post to drive home some points.

SF said...

I remember a dear friend who once described me as "meek". I wasn't sure what to think at the time, but now I think it must have been a compliment!!

It's been a hard week and haven't been all meek with my husband. Thank you for this reminder. :)

Rebecca said...

Thank you for sharing this. =)

Lilly said...

Thank you so much for sharing! I really needed this today. I really love your Face book page you always write the right things when some one is in need. God Bless you!

Southern Lady said...

Thank you for posting this.

Southern Lady said...

Thank you for posting this.

Christina said...

Wow! Now that I know what meekness is, I learn that I am not. But, now your post has helped me to see myself and what I am and need (and whole heartedly desire) to change, and what I am to strive to be. I already knew that I was some of these things, but never had it all summarized and pointed out that it is the opposite of meekness. I was reading them and going, " wow, that's me. I didn't know THAT'S what I am!" I've wanted to be meek, but didn't know exactly what it is. Now I do! So, now I will print this up and hang it somewhere I can look at and learn from everyday! I will read and study all those verses and make them my goal! Thank you so much for posting this!

Rose said...

thx for posting and always having something inspirational. May God keep your heart true and focused on the things above


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