Monday, October 25, 2010

To My Dear Readers...

I have been traveling all weekend but now I am back and have so much that I am looking forward to sharing with you! My family and I visited  The Reformation Day Faire hosted by Providence Church in Peoria, Illinois and as soon as we get a chance to settle back in and catch our breath I will share with you some of the wonderful things I have gleaned from there and some fun pictures. But in the meantime...

 I just wanted to let you know how I so highly value the time you, my dear readers, spend here visiting, commenting and contributing on A Wise Woman Builds Her Home. I have loved interacting with you over the past few years and getting to know you more. I honestly wish that I could personally connect with each and every single one of you--to invite you to my home and share personally with you over a cup of tea and just laugh over life and share our daily struggles. Since that is somewhat impossible, I have taken the effort to make a community for my readers whom are like-minded where they can connect and share, encourage and support one another outside of this blog. A Wise Woman Builds Her Home is on


and now also on Twitter

You are welcome to follow us if you are not already and/or share the word with others you know might be interested! Not only will you get updated posts  the minute they are published but you will also get an extra exclusive tidbits of things that I don't publish here.

I also know that life is busy and  your time is I also invite you to subscribe and get free email updates conveniently sent to your inbox which is a huge time-saver for so many of my readers. Your email is not shared with anyone is kept confidential.

I also highly value your opinion, so if there are any topics that you would like to see more of here,  please leave a comment. Would you like to see more topics on homemaking, mothering, large family dynamics, Proverbs 31 teaching, how to raise sons,  link-ups or something I have not discussed here yet? Also, what do you think could be improved upon?

I would love to know your thoughts, please leave a comment....and thanks so much in advance!

And remember to keep your eyes focused on the Lord as you build up your sacred home this week!



Unknown said...

I love everything you share on here already! It has been a great ministry to me as I continue to learn and grow as a wife and mommy. I always look forward to your new blog posts with anticipation. Thank you for sharing!

Mrs. Stam said...

You blog is lovely and love it! Maybe some post on time management could be something we could a;l learn from :-)


Marisa said...

I would love to see more on ministering through hospitality, creating family-centered traditions, and discipleship parenting.

Thanks from a longtime reader!

Far Above Rubies said...

I enjoy everything you share, and you have been a great encouragement.

As per your question, I would enjoy seeing more from you on raising boys.

God bless you,


Rebecca said...

I enjoy reading your blog. The practical posts as well as those that encourage us in the Lord are my favorites. My only comment would be that I would like to see less promotion of others' businesses. The commercial thing is all over the world, everywhere we look (even on some cars!). It is refreshing to visit a place with no advertising.

Lisa said...

I really appreciate your blog. Thank you for your insights and love for the Lord. It is great to find like-minded women. Blessings to you!

Rebekah said...

I am the mother of 3 sons, so I would like to see more articles on raising boys. Also, we are curretnly waiting to adopt a daughter through the foster care system. Adoption would be an interesting topic to tackle.

Michelle said...

We didn't go to a Reformation Faire, but we did attend an indoor version of that some years ago and it was wonderful.

Glad that you got the opportunity!

Ellen said...

Mrs. Fuentes.....Your blog has been such a blessing to me...had made me ponder so many times....opened my eyes in positive ways...even helped me find some nice littles extras like pretty hair clips for example. ♥
I was actually wondering what you do in regards to cold & flu season? you use oils...herbs...any suggestions in the way of natural health? We use Elderberry syrup and thieves oil....If you have the time or any suggestions..I would love to hear them.

~Kristin~ said...

I would love for you to have more about raising sons, posts about teenagers and even on the transition of your children leaving home and how to work through all of that. Plus, maybe a biblical approach to conflict resolution or dealing with members of your own family during times of poor communication.
Thank you

Unidas said...

Gorgeous Blog

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

I have been a long time reader of your blog - it is one of the first I found and a constant source of encouragement and Godly inspiration for 'building my home'.
It is my desire to be a wise woman and I would love to hear more from you regarding how to share our convictions with other Christians - those that we know personally, particularly in regard to issues of culture invading the church which you do sometimes address and I am so grateful to find others who are also concerned about these issues. I sometimes feel so 'alone in my thinking' when I know my daughters are probably the only ones at church who have not read the Twilight books for example! So thank you for all those informative posts too - very much appreciated the Mark Driscoll video and was able at least to get a few people thinking.
On a different note - I do not at all mind the promotion of others' businesses. You are very selective and choose lovely products all which fit the theme of your blog that are often hand made by resourceful,creative homemakers. For some, this income may be the means that allows them to stay at home rather than have to go out to work. I much prefer this approach to advertising than Adsense which gives you no control over what pops up on your blog.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Ladies,

Thank you so much for all of your input---I appreciate EACH and every single comment. I will consider each topic suggested and definitely try to address some of these in the future.


You are so sweet, and I am always thankful for the long thoughtful comments you share with us!

I want to let you know that I do try hard to keep with the theme of the blog and keep high standards with whom advertises here. I always want to consider my readers first! I am very grateful that probably 98% of the feedback I get from the advertising is all POSITIVE. It has absolutely helped and blessed our family in many ways. I am definitely grateful to my readers who understand this.

Have a wonderful and blessed day...

Lecia said...

This is a wonderful place to come for Godly wisdom. It is so difficult to find that in this world.

Anna said...

I've been following your blog for a few months and have been so blessed by it. I love reading all the topics you write on. I'd really appreciate more posts on raising boys as I have a 2 1/2 yr old son.
About advertising, I think the products you advertise are lovely (I really like the hairclips) and it's so refreshing to see things relevant to Christians which I imagine are usually sold by Christians too. I agree with you that the income blesses Christian families.

blessed_theresa said...

I would enjoy seeing more on large family logistics. I really enjoy reading ideas on a better way to get it all done! Did I mention in a timely manner?

Kristi said...

I so appreciate your blog. It has been a wonderful encouragement to me as the Lord has been changing me the past couple of years.

I wondered if you could continue to provide insight on how to "start" using a blog as a ways to make some extra money. I have seen how you can add "Adsense" - through google, but I would like to be pickier on who can advertise on it. ( I know you have blogged about this before and shared much insight - thank you ).

Here is my blog:

I would be interested in learning how to go about getting "good" things to advertise on it.I have much to learn in the blogging arena. I am a stay at home wife and mom. Having a little extra would be helpful, so I am just starting to see and learn about it.

The Lord is reforming my heart very much. At the sweet age of 40 I am learning it is never too late to be changed by HIS AMAZING LOVE and GRACE. We homeschool and we love discipling our children. These changes to our family are such a BLESSING to us.

I so appreciate your encouragement to Biblical womanhood and submission. There is much beauty that comes from a heart that is changed by HIM and I so "feel" that when I visit your blog. :)

With love

Blessed Mama said...

Such loving encouragement comes to me through your blog. The variety is refreshing and the thoughts God shares through you anointed by Him. Thank you for being obedient to His leading.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs Fuentes

i started reading your blog after i discovered a link on Ladies Against Feminism and i must say that your blog is now the only one i read with regards to the Christian wife/homemaking and raising families. What is so different about your blog is that everything is from a biblical perspective and not a cultural one (as someone already mentioned). Everything is proven by the Bible and this is so uplifting.

A very important thing to me, as a young mother of two, is that you are not focused apon the material. I have stopped reading alot of blogs in the past because the women were too focused on their house and how *good* a housewife they were and how *modest* they and their children appeared. I felt that these women put too much focus on these things. They are important of course, and through them we are blessed but the main thing is that we have the Lord Jesus in our lives and are saved through Him. Your blog definitely has this focus (and you admit when your house is untidy/you are imperfect, which is great because we are all imperfect!)

I have given birth to a son so i would love to see more posts on raising sons. However as i am not an American or live in the U.S, it would be great if they didnt focus alot on the patriotic, which i see as important in alot of american family friendly churches, but i feel is definately a cultural thing.

Sorry if my english is a little strange, i dont write in it that often anymore :)

greeting in the Lord
Jules, Norway

Carissa said...

I also love you blog. It has blessed me in many ways.
I would like to read articles on raising boys and traditions.
Thank you,
Carissa Renner


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