Friday, September 3, 2010

Protecting Our Children

My sweet friend Jaime of Like a Bubbling Brook, recently wrote an excellent article that I would like you to read entitled Protecting Our Children By Staying On Our Knees. Here is an excerpt:

"This is a time for training our children, discipling them, preparing them. They are not ready to face such extreme tactics of Satan at such a young age.... boot camp is not over, yet we send them out to battle, and they are being massacred right in front of our eyes. Don't believe me? Research finds that 88% of children raised in evangelical homes now leave the church by the age of 18." 

Hop over to her blog to read the rest...



Toyin O. said...

Great article and so true!

Carrie Cooper said...

Carrie @

Hi, June! I stumbled upon your blog and found a beautiful call for godly motherhood. I have 2 daughters ages 9 and 6. This year Ive been more diligent about teaching them cooking skills. We have been learning about choosing good friends. But, most importantly, we have been learning to pray and read the Bible.

Thanks for your great example! Keep up the good work :)

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

I completely believe this!


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