Saturday, September 18, 2010

Her Creation is Her Home

The ideal domestic worker is an artist
and her creation is her home.

The artist takes what materials he has and manipulates them, 
but the goal is not just to create something interesting,
but to express a vision of love and beauty.

Even Michelangelo worked with the most banal of materials and ordinary techniques. 
All was imbued with imagination and vision.
It may seem ridiculous to compare a humble home
filled with love and simple beauty
to the Sistine Chapel. 
But, they are the same in that they are both works of artistry
and express first and foremost the human soul. 

- Laura Wood 

~Hat tip to Jennifer Harrel and
Antonia Cunningham~



Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

This is soo beautiful! This is how I feel about my home.

Darla said...

thank you so much for your blog. i am enjoying it and your links so much. :) ...just what i have been needing.

Season of Life said...

Our homes are a reflection of what resides in our hearts, of the people who live there and an expression of welcome to those who enter. May our home reflect Christ at the core, so all things flow out of that.

Blessings ~

Michelle said...

How inspiring! This truly speaks to both my heart for family and the artist's heart in me!

I enjoy visiting here on Sundays especially because it provides a fresh dose of both conviction and inspiration for the upcoming week!

Have a blessed week, June!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Seasons of Life,

You are correct, we must let Christ be the foundation of why and how we care for our homes. It can be a mighty task--one I know we are not always up for, but we MUST persevere!

Many blessings...


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