Tuesday, May 18, 2010

She Looketh Well to the Ways of Her Household

"Do not be mislead. Bad company corrupts good character. Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God--I say this to your shame." 1 Corinthians 15:33-34

Negative influences can have a profound effect upon our children's lives if we are not careful. The Bible warns us not to be mislead, and we need this warning more than ever in the 21st century. The onslaught of wickedness is prevalent in our culture and we need to be a discerning people. Being able to wisely choose what is right and wrong in our culture and not succumbing to every whim that seems temporarily pleasurable. We could be doing considerable damage to our children and future generations by not being careful of the influences that we allow into their lives.

We want to have the hearts of our children in order to direct our children toward God and righteousness. We cannot do that well if we do not have their hearts (Malachi 4:6). Temptation towards worldliness can be a powerful force tugging their hearts away from God. We are told to be in the world and not of it and we need to take this warning seriously.

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. Proverbs 27:12

In the next few posts I will be examining a few areas of interest:

Role Models
Leisure Time
Clothing/Outward Attire
Hypocrisy of Parents: A Stumbling Block

I hope you will join me...


(She Looketh Well Series--Part 1)


Camie said...

So true! I'm looking forward to your following posts.

Blessings to you!


Julie Harward said...

And...I think the simple also jump right in and make themselves part of the worldlyness. Come say hi :D

Anonymous said...

Oh this is true, Thank you for sharing this :)


Finding Joy said...

Absolutely - it doesn't take much to influence young ones (boys or girls).

Trixi said...

I will be here. I can't wait to see what all you have to share on these topics.
1 Corinthians 15:33-34 are some of the main verses for why we homeschool.

sjs said...

Thank you for posting this. It is coming at a point in my familys life that I needed this. I have one teenager and another one turning 13 in two months. Its a struggle cause they do not understand why we have rules in place. This is such an encouragement. Thank you. It gets lonely thinking that we are the only ones that have rules in place to protect them.

Esther said...

Looking forward to what you're going to say!

Everyday Oils with Kim said...

I'm so looking forward to hearing what you have to say, along with God's word on these topics. Thank you!

Jaime @ Like a Bubbling Brook said...

Oh, I can't wait to hear what you have to say! I've been thinking about the same thing lately, even forming a blog post in my head, but I'm sure you'll say it 10x better than I ever could :o)

whitsend6 said...

Look forward to reading the future posts!


Miranda Hupp said...

I am really looking forward to your next posts.

We used to be very protective of our children. We still are in many ways. Actually most people tell us we are too overprotective now. lol!

I can see areas where we are slacking. Our family life has been pretty rough for the last 3 years and this is an area I can see that we have feel short on.

Thanks for your encouragemnet.

Mrs. P. said...

I'm definitely looking forward to this series.

Karen said...

The upcoming topics look very pertinent to my life right now. Thank you for such encouraging words as sometimes I feel like a lone ranger Christian out there speaking truth.

Michelle said...

I look forward to joining you in the upcoming weeks.

Although my convictions are already pretty strong in these areas, they could always use reinforcements!

Katie B said...

I am looking forward to your posts!

Far Above Rubies said...

June, I'm looking forward to the next few posts. Thanks for touching on these topics.

Faith said...

I just posted about so very similar topics on my blog...I cannot wait for your next post! Thanks for the sharing.

Amy Guerino said...

I have only lately come to find your blog due to a friend who enjoys reading your posts.

I've loved the beautiful pictures of mothering that you find that goes so well with your posts. Thank you for the clear Biblical points of being a wise woman. I strive to be just that.

Praising God for his guidance of your heart and praying for continued wisdom.


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