Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Battle for Hearts and Minds

"There is a battle for the hearts and minds of our children." warns Glenn Beck.

Watch The Indoctrination of Our Children to find out why:

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You may watch the rest here.

And have you seen this in the news?



Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

There have been many many times the history books gloss over things- take the brutal attacks and mistreatment of the Native Americans by the colonists and Europeans, for example. While the textbooks should reflect that they were an Islamic group, I don't see any reason to further any more hatred of the Muslim people. I think Kahn said it best in the article when she said, "when it comes to teaching about Islam, "I think the more important issue is American values of tolerance, respect and mutual understanding," which can best be imparted with accurate information about the religion." I could agree with her more. I'd rather my children grow up with love and tolerance of other cultures. I'll admit, I'm definitely more liberal in my views but I also wholeheartedly support the Christian values of love, patience and understanding. :) Peace!!

Julie Harward said...

I think that is why so many people are home schooling their children...it's getting a little scary! Thanks for the visit to my blog, come say hi any time :D

Courtney (Women Living Well) said...

My husband and I watched this show together when it aired on Fox News. It's so frustrating what is happening in our country!

Thanks for posting this for those who missed it!


Unknown said...

I just watched this show this morning. *shudder* Scary stuff. I just pray that we can maintain our right to home-school our children.

Also, I think that "tolerance" is over-used in this context. It is important to treat all people with respect, but it is also important to call sin "sin" and not whitewash it for the sake of tolerance. Our children must learn the difference between good and evil while also learning to share the love of Christ with the world. Anyway.. just a thought.

BeautifulDees said...

We should all be very leary of what is going on in our world,the constitution is hanging by a thread and we are suppose to be a nation under God.I think the signers of the Declaration of Independence would truly be ashamed of the country right now.When we push God out he will leave us alone,Lets keep God in our country forever so we wont be alone.
God Bless America!!!


Fitter After 50 said...

It seems as if the USA is determined to become a God-less society. We need divine intervention.

Eagle's Wings said...

Did I hear correctly? Did Glenn Beck say he thought that home schooling is abusive? How else do we protect our children from being brain washed? Simply being aware of what our children are being taught is not going to protect them from this communistic agenda.

Harley Mom said...

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It was very eyeopening. It definetly caused my husband and I to have a great conversation on homeschooling our children. It also motivates me to pray more for our government and all those who are making these decisions.


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