Thursday, June 4, 2009

Large Family Summer Scheduling

School is over and we've already got the garden in. Now we are looking forward to two weeks of relaxing (since dad will have his vacation time) and then we will be on our official summer schedule.

Yes, I said schedule!!!!!

Why am I a firm believer in scheduling during the summer? Because in our home we cannot function without order. Also, I could never imagine allowing all that free summertime going to waste. I believe that God has given us time as a precious gift and that we need to be good stewards of it. Believe me---children around here never get a chance to say "I'm bored!"----in fact, I think they might be afraid to since they know I have a list of jobs/projects awaiting them if they even dared to think such a thought! ;)

Here are some ways my daughters will be spending the summer:

learning to bake whole wheat bread/scones
creating a vlogging series that will minister to others
taking over fixing all meals
learn to make laundry soap
sell on Ebay
Create their own business on Etsy
create school scrapbooks
library volunteering
drama club
various home painting projects
learn to cut hair on their brothers
practice instruments: piano, violin, recorder
Character studies
learn Spanish/typing (for younger one)
get drivers permit
educational games online (to stay fresh!)
preparing for 2 garage sales
create garden/home notebooks

and most importantly: Their Summer Reading Lists

What is a Summer Reading List? It is a list that is handpicked and prayed over by us (the parents) that the child will read to encourage godly growth and character. It does not have to include just books but can also include great articles, blogs, etc. At the top of this is their personal devotional time with the Lord. We have something called Life Journals that we use to journal about what we read in the Bible, so we will be using those. My daughters are avid readers so I make sure that I keep godly/educational/feminine/homemaking books around to inspire. Biographies are great too, especially of legendary evangelists or martyrs of the faith.

This does not include other small projects they will be helping me with--this is just some of the bigger things I definitely want to accomplish with our precious time. My sons have a list as well. In fact, I have a notebook with a list for each child and what we are to accomplish with them by the end of summer--even right down to our little boy twins and their potty-training! And of course, don't forget Mom. My list is very important to me because once I get everything on paper I don't have to carry it all around in my head. It is like unloading luggage when I create a list that allows my mind to be free to think about other things, while not forgetting to do the important things.

Now lastly, I want you to remember that the list/schedule or any list/schedule that you make is not there to control you. You make sure to make it work for you and not vice versa. Make plenty of room for flexibility (it is summer after all!) Be sure to add plenty of fun in too and plan for some great summer memories early in advance---as we all know summer will pass by in a blink of an eye-----so be sure to get done what you set out to accomplish as you celebrate the summer season!

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Leah said...

That is fantastic!! I love it!
I can't wait to do those things with my daughters when they are older. How inspirational!

Julianne said...

Thanks so much for your list you posted! It gave me a ton of ideas for my kids. I started a Sat. schedule for my kids during the winter season, since we were inside the house a whole lot longer it helped decrease the incidence of hearing "I'm bored". Though, my list of activities is more geared for the younger kids. I'll post mine of my blog for others to read too. My daughter is a little older so your list is helpful for her.

Michele said...

It sounds like you have a wonderful summer planned! We are a couple weeks into our summer break and have accomplished so much already. Summer is a wonderful time for getting many great things done.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a good plan for your summer. I would of never thought of making plans for the summer.....I just always enjoyed being free for the summer. I have to say though that you have some great ideas. Enjoy the summer.

Virginia Knowles said...

Hi June,

Great post, as always!

I just blogged yesterday about a summer schedule and reading for our large family. We still have nine of our ten children at home. (Our oldest is married, our youngest is three.) The teens pretty much pick their own schedule (which includes fixing dinner at least one night a week each!) but the younger ones need a lot more structure. You can find my post at

Virginia Knowles and

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

Even though it is winter here, this has challenged me and given me so much food for thought. I noticed 'driver's permit' was on the list. I have a 16 year old son learning to drive and he has to complete 120 hours practice before he can take the driver's test. We do not do a lot of driving as homeschooling means we are home based most of the time. Finding time for him to drive is hard. Hopefully, your requirements are not so tough. One of my 3 year old twin girls decided to get in early with the learning to cut hair and chopped her own... it is easy to tell them apart now!

~hon~ said...

That is so neat!

"I believe that God has given us time as a precious gift and that we need to be good stewards of it." ~I very much agree. Now, you have encouraged me to list a schedule for my own kids someday. I LOVE the new look, BTW! My sister LOVES lavender.


iLoveYou, my dear co-heiress in CHRIST!

Beth MacKinney said...

It is so nice to see other families that home school, don't watch TV, enjoy time together, and teach good work ethics, strong character, and Biblical values. Praise God!

Claudette Au Lait said...

Hi! You 're going to have to excuse me copying your idea but I made a list for my fifteen year old. Then my eighteen boy asked me for one as well, which Im working on right now. My sister saw my list on Facebook and she s thinking about one as well. thanks for the wonderful idea. I have to say that your blog is very encouraging and inspirational. You are being, unknowingly, a mentor in my life as a mother, and wife. Thanks so much!

Mrs. Teapot said...

You and your husband seem to be amazing people. I read your posts and sense so much organization, determination... I have just recently joined and have been quite encouraged. Sounds like you and your children will have a busy summer ahead with lots of things getting accomplished... I think that's great.

BTW, do you go by a time schedule for your days? Ex. wake up at such and such time, do this at this time... like that. If so, maybe you can post it one day to give people like me a better idea of going on a time schedule.

Thank you very much. Many blessings to you and yours,
Mrs. Teapot

Tonya Gunn said...

With six children, farming, living off grid, homeschooling, we also have to keep scheduled as well. There are just certian things that have to be done each day. In addition, we homeschool year round just to keep in the schedule/routine, however, more relaxed in the summer.
Thanks for sharing.
Warm wishes

stitching under oaks said...

We've just started our summer and I was so blessed to read this post. Thank you for your wisdom and insight. I posted some thoughts on our summer just the other day and it's so nice to see someone who also wants to redeem the summer time with their children and not have it frittered away.

Breezy said...

This is such a good post! I was afraid as soon I graduated I'd loose all sense of time and order! But thankfully this first week has gone well, and your list has reminded me of the other things I still need to work on.

Oh, and thank you for your comment, it was very encouraging. It's always good to hear that people enjoy my work.

Since I've graduated I won't be able to enter the IN hs convention art contest anymore. But if you're ever out our way, feel free to drop in for your own "guided tour" through the house and studio!


Thistle Cove Farm said...

Oh Goodness...How I'd like to learn some of the things you're going to teach your daughters! I love the productiveness, the lack of boredom the 'work of your hands'. I keep busy but there's still so much to learn.
God's blessings on you, yours and the work of your hands and heart.

Laura said...

Lot's of great idea's in your post!
In the past I've always just let the kids be in the summer. (with the exception of sports we are involved in). I think this year I will get them learning some life skills! Thanks for the great post!

Leah said...

Sounds like you've got some lovely things planned - enjoy!

Rhonda Devine said...

Great ideas, June. I've found if we don't have some summer goals, the kids kind of "wonder around" unhappily when we break from our school routine. It's good to utilize that extra time to learn skills there doesn't seem to be time for when we have more bookish work.
Thanks for the post;)

kenyangal said...

I can't wait to get married and have children so I can use all the information you avail here. Put me on your prayer list for these things. Thanks and God bless!!

Anonymous said...

Real clear site, appreciate it for this post.


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