Saturday, May 9, 2009

Beautiful Motherhood

Womanhood is a wonderful thing. In womankind we find the mothers of the race. 

There is no man so great, nor none sun so low, but one he lay helpless, innocent babe in a woman's arms and was dependent upon her love and care for his existence.

It is woman who rocks the cradle of the world and hold the first affections of mankind. She possesses a power beyond that of a king on his throne...

Womanhood stands for all that is pure and clean and noble. 

She who does not make the world better for having lived in it has failed to be all that a woman should be.

-Mabel Hale, Beautiful Girlhood

To be read more posts on blessed motherhood
that I've written in the past
click here.


Anonymous said...

Your posts encourage me. I want to be the woman/ mother you write about. Thank you,

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

Being a wife and mother are some of the most rewarding and beautiful roles God has assigned for my life. I'm humbled at the fact that He entrusted upon me to raise up future generations for His glory.

Farming On Faith said...

Just beautiful! The most important work happens in the kitchens of America not in the boardrooms!
Happy Mother's Day~

Leah said...

This is SO beautiful, I long to reflect all that this quote speaks of. Thanks for posting.

Cinnamey said...

Wow, I have that book! Thank you! You've just reminded me that I ought to be reading it!

When I first came on you blog, I was puzzled by the appearance, it took me a few moment to realise you have the same backround!

Abounding Treasures said...

I gave my daughter that wonderful book several years ago when she was a young teenager!

I love your new header ~ you did a beautiful job of joining those lovely 3 pictures together June :o)


Deanna said...

You have such an informative blog that I enjoy visiting.
Lovely are your pictures that you use!

God bless,
From HomeHaven nestled in the Kansas Flinthills

Anonymous said...

My mother bought Beautiful Girlhood for me two years ago, when I was thirteen.
I loved it!
I also love your blog, I saw my mom reading it and decided to read it for myself.
I have a blog and have been blogging for quite a while, and was delighted to find yours!
Thank you so much!

Le hannon!
~ Ëarwen

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and I love it! I put your tag on my blog's sidebar :) God bless!

Susan said...

Lovely post! I found your blog via another blog some time ago, and I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy it immensely and hope you keep on with the beautiful inspiration and photos! Thanks!

Josee said...

Encouragement at it's best! I'm presently reading this book with my 10 year old daughter. We both love it!


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