Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pioneering Biblical Femininity in a Post Christian Culture

We are currently living in a post Christian culture.

With that in mind, we need to understand that the of model biblical femininity-more than every before in history--needs to be resurrected, revived and restored.

We may feel that examples of true biblical femininity are virtually non existent but it is the privilege of our generation to purposefully and deliberately pioneer and bestow this example on the world around us.

We must lead the way for millions of young and older Christian women who need to see the example of what a godly woman looks like, understanding that many generations will be impacted by our firm decision to be steadfast in God's calling to be such. We cannot shrink back, we cannot be ashamed, we cannot be fearful....for this is the battleground and we will not be an army that retreats but we will defend the Truth and advance for His kingdom.

I believe much of our battle begins as we allow the seductive lies of feminism to dance around and tempt our mind and spirit. A Christian woman needs to be reminded to look at the world through the Bible and not look at the Bible from the worlds point of view. Compromise can never be an option for too much is at stake.

That is why there must be a call back to biblical femininity. We have abandoned our posts-- our husbands, our children our homes. If not in a physical state, then we have done it emotionally and have detached ourselves from all that God has rendered to us as a high calling... all because we have believed the lies.

We must choose today to take back what has been stolen from us--

to replace the lies with the Truth,

to rebuild our marriages,

to take back our children,

to restore our homes ,

to renew a nation that desperately needs godly womanhood

to reform the culture around us

for as we do so,

we understand,

we are ultimately...

reviving and reconciling a dying and lost world to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

And the impact of that thought alone---renders me speechless.


Mary said...
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Untypically Jia said...

Amen! I love coming to this blog because it's unbiased truth!

D.Richmond said...

Four years ago, God showed me the post I had left in the hands of others so I could pursue the lies of the world. Today, I am trying to take back what is my responsibility and teach my five daughters not to make the same mistake. I know I shared in the destruction of the family in our land by ignoring God's roles for me, but by the grace of God alone, I am given a second chance to right my wrongs, step up to my responsibilities, and be part of the 'revival' of God's vision for womenhood. Thanks for your blog!

Julieann said...

I enjoyed this post---Wonderful job:)

Enjoy your weekend:)


Anonymous said...

Truly you have touched the crux of the matter! I am a former working mother, now a homeschooling mom and grandmother. I believe the hope for our nation lies in the next generation of children reared in homes where Christ has been honored; mothers have been "brought back home"' both physically and emotionally; and have realized by God's grace that their ministry is in their homes; and fathers have led as God in intended. Thank you for this wonderful lesson!

Toodlebugz said...

Wonderful post! I absoutely agree.Two years ago I read the Botkin's book 'So Much More' and was amazed at the feminism in our culture that I was not aware of.What an eye opener.Thank you

Anonymous said...

This was very encouraging to me today! What this lost and dying world needs is more Godly women who have not given up their posts as keepers of the home.

Susan B said...

A beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on Biblical femininity.

Sarah Mae said...

You have inspired me to write a post on HOW women are to take back biblical feminity.

Thank you for the call!

Brenda said...

You said this very well! Women have abandoned their posts--wow. Thank you for saying this truth, and being encouraging at the same time!

Unknown said...

Yes, we are pioneers--time to answer His call in just the ways you have outlined. Thanks for the reminder to remain fearless in the days ahead.


Raggedy Cottage Garden said...

Beautifully written and so true!

Laura said...

Amen! Truly there is much wisdom in this post.
Thank you so much for this!!

Abounding Treasures said...

Wow! An amazing post that awakens, inspires and encourages women everywhere to reclaim the post that God gave them and to look to Him for strength and grace for the journey!

Blessings to you for blogging loudly for biblical womanhood to be reclaimed and restored :o)

Kim said...

Wonderful! A great reminder of the truth! I look forward to your postings... :)

Sarah said...


to be made whole said...

June - this is WHY I continue to visit your blog. Your encouragement is treasured. Thank you for standing firm. You are a blessing to us! May the Lord continue you to bless you and your sweet family!

Linda said...

AMEN sister!
What a wonderful post!!!

Greetings from the netherlands ;)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful Post! I truely agree! Thank you for taking the time to write such encouraging, uplifting, and eye-opening posts! God Bless you!
I absolutely LOVE your new background, and was wondering if you had the time to point a computer illiterate person (me) in the direction of how to find backrounds for my blog (besides the ones from the samples section). Only if you have time! Much obliged!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Danielle,

If you look in the top left hand corner of this blog you will find a banner that advertises for 'The Cutest Blog on the Block'. That is where you can find plenty of backgrounds that won't mess with any other html on your page.

Hope that helps and thanks for visiting!

Many blessings...

Anonymous said...

Thank you very Much!
God Bless!

Anonymous said...

This was a wonderful post! I totally agree with everything you said. Still, I'd like to see a follow up post with some specifics of how we apply this teaching. Should a woman never work outside of her home -- even if she doesn't have children or if her children are grown? What if her husband asks her to work to ease the burden on him? I'm eager to hear more on this topic.

histruthendures said...

For such a time as this... What a job there is to be done. I'm so thankful for women such as yourself. I have felt God moving in this way for a long time, but when I looked around at my church and the ladies I know it just didn't seem they were feeling it too. But because of what I have seen online I know God is calling a remnant to santify themselves to His call. If God be for us who can be against us... Thank you for your beautiful blog it is a delight...

PS> To D. Richmond: God will restore the years the locusts have eaten away!!!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing post!!!!!! I am blessed to have a husband who tells me that being a mom is the greatest job in the world and the most important one when i talk about getting a job and helping with the finances.
Thanks for a reminder.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

I recently received a comment from a reader who felt I stood in judgment of women who choose another path.

If you are a regular reader of my blog you would know that is the farthest from the truth.

I am assuming that this response has generated from the quote from the Botkin girls. I agree with most of it, which is why it is posted here, but also think feminists will go down in history for many other things---some good, some bad. Just like many other movements.

For me, it is not an issue with any one person or ideaology---it is an issue with desiring strong homes and seeing our nation strong and whole again under God. This is not just the fault of any one movement--this is the result of sin in the world.

I hope this clarifies things a bit, I should probably edit this post to add this in in case anyone else comes away with the same thoughts, but as of now time prohibits me.

I'm sorry if you felt judged here, that was not the intent. I felt what these girls stated rang true in my life as a former feminist and wanted to share.

Jesus, in his day, also pointed out wrong thinking, sin, etc. I think if anything (feminism or any other means) leads us astray from His ways, we need to encourage one to be aware of it.

If you have any questions on feminism and the Bible I would refer you to a wonderful site that is listed in my sidebar:

Many blessings...


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