Monday, October 13, 2008

Homemaking Daughters-Part 2

Raising daughters who enjoy homemaking can be a wonderful adventure for both mom and daughter. There are many areas in which you might be able to teach different skills outside of the ones I have listed in my previous post. Here are some others you might want to consider:

candle making
cross stitch
doll making
flower arrangement
latch hooking
oil painting
rubber stamping
food preservation
foreign language

Certainly, the list is endless! I'm sure you ladies can think of many more things to add to this list. Some books I recommend would be:

Keepers at Home- A Handbook for Young Ladies--Keepers of the Faith (this book gives categories like listed above, a how-to-do section, and a check off section as you go with scripture 'to support. They also have Little Keepers at Home for ages 4-6 and they have a book also for boys-Contenders for the Faith)

Polished Cornerstones--Doorposts (a mom and daughter study on being a Godly woman, homemaker, 

I think vision is so import to explain to our girls---just as it is so important to know the 'why' behind all the work that we do so we are not discouraged, our daughters need just the same, if not more. The culture we live in strives to pull them away from the home more than ever before, and mothers today take on new challenges as we try to equip and pass on strong, biblical vision the next generation of daughters.

Here are some great (and very convicting) questions to ask ourselves regarding our daughters that I found from the site Homemaking:

Do you take the time to include your daughter in the home and show her skills?

Do you keep her close to you in most of the things you do?

Do you think it saves time IF you do it yourself and this way keeps down the mess?

Are you keeping those valuable family recipes for her, that someday she can have them for a hope chest?

Do you grumble in front of your daughter/s about how hard it is to maintain the home?

Are you training her to be a sloth?

Are you training her to prepare and carry out meals for your family now, so that she will be ready to go when she has her own kitchen?

Are you diligently passing on the torch of being a keeper of the home to your daughter/s?

So as we can clearly see---we have a mighty and noble task before us...let us pull up our sleeves and get busy with passing on the torch, breathing fresh vision into the new generation and empowering our daughters to learn to live a godly life for Him!


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His Talmidat said...

Again, thank you! I went and reserved 2 of the books, the only ones our library has. And I think the Keepers at Home books would be good for me too :0)

And I've been more aware of my attitude towards housework all morning, so you are a blessing.

Sarah Mae said...

Thank you again for this, as soon as I have the extra money, I'm going to get some of those books you recommend.

I have kind of a silly question, but I just don't know (I wasn't raised in a Christian home). What exactly is a Hope chest and how do I make one for my daughter?

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this post......I was reading over the questions and boy it made me realize how far behind I am in training my daughter. Thanks for being such and encouragement. Blessings

Anonymous said...

I Love your Homemaking Daughter 1 & 2...but also have a question??? How did you get your profile on your page like that...I can't figure it out :) THANKS SO MUCH!


Anonymous said...

I Love your Homemaking Dqaughters Parts 1 & 2. I also have a question. Can you please tell me how you made that 'spot' for your profile on your sidebar..I've tried everything!


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Hello Sarah Mae,

That is not a silly question at all, hope chests certainly were practiced more traditionally in the past--mothers would gather and collect items for her daughter and put it in a cedar chest for the day when her daughter would go off and marry so she could take it to her new home. Quilts, linens, silverware, dishes, towels, family heirlooms, etc were placed inside and preserved. Today it has been replaced with the bridal registries. This is a great topic--I will probably do a post on it soon and go more into detail, but I hope that helps for now...


Dear Auburn,

Are you talking about the link to my profile on the main page? You just need to click the 'customize' bar at the top of your blog, then click on 'add a gadget' in your sidebar, then choose 'add html/javascript'. Here you can copy and paste your profile page into the box and save it.

Many blessings...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Mrs. June Fuentes,

I tried that & it did not work...thanks for helping though :)


Laura said...

Yes, thank you so so much, June! These are wonderfully inspiring suggestions. I've just been taking a look around at little ways that I've been compromising on the quality I've been bringing into our home... Thank you for the gentle inspiration to return to Goodness.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Fuentes,
This article is most inspiring! Thank you so much.
But I have only 2 boys, and would LOVE an article about how to inspire them to be involved in the "manly" part of home and family involvement. How can I do that? My husband works in an office all day and comes home late in the evening. I spend most of the time with my boys and as a mom, how can I help them learn good helpful concepts too? I already have them helping out with the cleaning, like vacuuming and picking up the heavy laundry baskets for me, as well as raking leaves or shovelling snow. Is there anything else that boys can do around the home to help them become good husbands one day? My husband is not a handy man at all, so they never see him using any tools or woodworking etc. What do you suggest?
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my comment and I appreciate you so much!
God BLess you Richly and Abunduntly and give you health always to continue in your ministry at home.
Mrs. M

Dianne said...

Wow! This was as good as part 1!


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