Friday, September 26, 2008

How to Throw an Olympic Themed Back-to-School Party

I don't usually post many pictures of our family on here (I leave that up to my daughters blog) but I just couldn't resist--so even though it was last month here they are:

We started the morning off decorating our special 'first day of school pancakes'. Then after we filled our school boxes and browsed through and labeled our new schoolbooks, we proceeded with our first day of school party of which the theme this year was borrowed from the Olympics, inspired by Brenda (thank you for all your help!)

Here are our Olympic torches.

We painted Olympic rings and hung them in our new homeschool room.

We tried our hand at our first-ever lapbooks.

We cut and pasted---not bad for trying to show six children how to do it all at one time.

This flap opens up and there are surprise pockets underneath. Isn't that neat?

Some of us slept through it all.

Then our outdoor games began. This is the high jump for the smaller children, can you see the rod between the chairs? (Don't mind the wilting tomato plants in the background)

The twins also thought they would try their hand at this event.

Stephen took our Olympics very seriously as you can see. He was wearing his 'Michael Phelps' shades.

Here is the javelin competition. We substituted large branches.

We also had relay-race events.

And we couldn't forget the gymnastics category!

"Stephen, are you okay?"

For gymnastics they had to do two tumble rolls, two cartwheels and end up in the 'splits position'. I think that was the funniest event for me to watch! We were all in stitches!

In the end everyone received their Olympic medals...and were all richly awarded with various gifts and goodies!

Thank you for viewing of first day of school pictures!


Meghann said...

That looks like too much fun! Thanks for the visuals :)

Abounding Treasures said...

Thanks for sharing this ... looks like everyone had lots of fun :o)


Brenda said...

OH, I have never seen most of your beautiful kids! Thanks for sharing these.

Your Olympics look like so much fun! I think I need to have a few more kids! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy first day of school. I didn't do anything special like that. Next I sure will.
You look like you had a great time!

Tina Kay

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Those were lovely pictures. Looks like a fun day. Thanks for sharing.

Dawn said...

Such fun it looks like everyone had! Thank you for sharing the pictures with us! You and your kiddos are just beautiful! :)

...Her children will rise up and call her blessed....

Have a safe and sound weekend! Did you say you were going to the Duggar wedding? I forgot.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


These are actually all the children, I am not in the photo---but thanks for the compliment!

No, we are not going to the Duggar wedding--we were invited, but it is too far for us to go...but we are praying they have a wonderful day.

Many blessings...

Kelli said...

Happy First Day of School! YOur children are beautiful and it looks like they had such a fun day!

Shosannah said...

Looks like you had a fun first day.
Blessings and Peace to you and your beautiful family :)

A. said...

So lovely. I always look forward to the Olympics - it seems the truest form of athleticism left!

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful family! Sounds like your first day of school was fun!


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