Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Satan's Meeting

Are you busy?

(Turn your volume up for sound)


SunnySusan said...

this just gave me the chills....thanks for the warning....

candy said...

I read your blog every day (for the last year or so) on bloglines as I do many other blogs so I dont get a chance to comment a whole lot. But I HAD to comment on this post because its SO true. I read this before in email and lost it and wanted to find it again so Im so glad you posted it!
I wish when people see this that they will not only read it, look at it, hear it but that they will remember it and let the words sink in...

Candy :)

Just Me said...


Excellent and stunning video for this "busy" woman. My goodness, most everytime I ask someone how they are doing, they reply "I'm so busy!"


Serious food for thought.

Barb said...

That is very convicting. Thanks for posting it.

Thespia said...

What the heck is "Y - oke"?

Anonymous said...

Too many spelling errors. How can one take a message seriously when it is not literate?

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Miss Smarty,

They are using the acronym BUSY and the 'Y' stands for yoke.

Dear Anonymous,

Although I did not create this clip, I still felt the message behind it all was powerful enough to post in spite of the minor grammatical errors.

Many blessings...

Sarah said...

This video I feel was something God wanted me to see. My cousin sent it to me and a few other people. It really touched my heart. I have been feeling lately, that I was really not in relationship with Jesus. I haven't been going to church or reading the Bible or praying and I felt like he felt so distant. I have been busy doing unimportant things. I feel convicted. Thank you for your blog and video. I really appreciate it. I sent it to one of my friends.

God bless you! <3

Shosannah said...

Wow! A message I needed to hear.
Thankyou so much for taking the time to sahre it.
Blessings to you.


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