Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Describing Another, Reveals Yourself


 "A man never discloses his own character so clearly

 as when 

he describes another." 

 --Jean Paul Richter


Anonymous said...

Great quote Mrs. Fuentes! I totally agree, nothing describes us better and shows our true nature than when we speak of others.

many blessings,


Anonymous said...

Shalom Dear sister,

It has been I am Afraid much too long since I have since peeked over here at your blog, and now that I have I am just inspired again with your beautiful posts, and playing catch up with all the ones I have missed since I visited last.

Anyhow thank you for such beautiful encourgem

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Post.. So true! How do people think of such clever things to say???

Anonymous said...

So true! And Ouch!

Abounding Treasures said...

So very true!!


The Editrix said...

This is an interesting quote - one that you could ponder on for a while.

ladyakofa said...

Deep thoughts and true!

Unknown said...

I am trying to locate an email address in which I may contact you. Could you please email me at Ruth @ cmomb . com (no spaces)? Thank you!

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

As I find things in my daughter's character and attitude that needs change, I realize that she is a reflection of some of my character flaws and attitudes. :(

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


So true and so convicting!

Many blessings...


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