Monday, January 21, 2008

Proverbs 31 in 2008

Gods word in timeless. Even in 2008 we can live out God's best for us. It is a wonderful experience to live out God's desires and know you are making an impact for the kingdom of God in your short journey on earth. The Lord has turned my heart toward His work this year. Let me share some of it with you:

The Lord has put in my heart of my husband and I to hold a monthly Bible Study in our home for friends and family---to provide a place for the Lord to heal the hurting, to encourage the discouraged, to strengthen the feeble and promote unity and fellowship in the body of Christ. I am excitingly looking forward to what the Lord might do here. Some of my best memories are sitting around somebody's home and worshiping the Lord, breaking bread and having meaningful conversation about Him. There has been much preparation and still more to come...we have spent hours and days painting and decorating (filling our home with love) and cleaning but it is worth it to know that the Lord could move powerfully at these meetings.

She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands. Proverbs31:3

She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar Proverbs 31:14

She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks. Proverbs 31:17

She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy. Proverbs 31:20

The Lord is allowing me to help my husband as he assists friends of our in restarting their church. I want to encourage him and give help as needed in this important area of kingdom building. I have been listening to countless hours of church planting sermons to learn more in this area (on my ipod--usually when running errands or when the children are busy playing). We are passionate about seeing God's church grow and believe He desires this as well. I am looking forward to going away with my husband to a couple of church planting seminars we have planned in the next few weeks. It is a blessing to be passionate about the same things---especially when it's for the Lord! I believe this passion for Him and serving Him will always be the strong center for our marriage--even when we are old and gray we will probably try to plant a church somewhere.

Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:11-12

The Lord has convinced me my children need the word of God and prayer. So as I read daily through the Bible this year (I am using a schedule to read through in a year) to share all that I learn daily with them (we cannot give what we do not have). I believe that prayer is the key to change and am spending alot of time praying for their salvation, that their sin would always be caught and for their future to live a life for the Lord. I am convinced that continual training is essential and desire to protect them from ungodly influences. So train, train, train I must. Loving and listening to them--teaching them all that I know. I praying the Lord would give me wisdom in all areas as we raise these precious ones for Him.

She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her: Proverbs 31:27-28

The Lord has also given me clarity and direction in taking care of my home. It's a challenge to care for a large family--but He is gently guiding me and giving me His wisdom as I forge forward in caring for and nurturing our little home of ten souls. I have tears in my eyes as I think about His goodness and how He has taken my hand and showed me how to do such overwhelming tasks at times. It is only by Him that our home is how it is now. Organizing, learning new skills, cultivating a rich home life leaves little time for idleness--praise the Lord!

When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet. She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple. Proverbs 31:21-22

She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:25-26

So this is a glimpse of how I am trying to live out this exciting Proverbs 31 in 2008. Let me make it clear that I have 'not arrived' by any means (we certainly have our days of our home looking like a disaster and mama not at her best) just sharing how the good Lord is moving around here and just struck by how much was falling into that category. It is certainly not dull or boring but absolutely the greatest adventure and journey of my life! As an unsaved person I lived a lifestyle that many would think was 'the life'. I made alot of money, traveled, partied, etc. but none of that compares to today. There was emptiness in that past old life. Nothing compares to the richness of knowing the Lord and serving Him with your life. Thank you, Lord, for you Proverbs 31 model and help us all to live it out today by your grace, mercy and strength.


Unknown said...

You have an award here:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful opportunity you have to help other women and men in their Christian walk. I wish I could be there! Thank you for sharing how you are living your Proverbs 31 life in 2008.
Have a blessed rest of the day.
~Mrs. Farrah Ginter

Anonymous said...

I have been a regular visitor to your blog. I really enjoy your posts. Your blog inspired mine :)


Sue said...

Very beautiful post, full of wisdom.

TeacherMommy said...

What a wonderful blessing to be able to start a Bible study in your home! We have talked about it in the past but our living room is just too small! We could fit maybe 4 other people here and that's about it. I love small Bible studies! Just going to church really can't compare with having a close-knit group of believers who really carry each other's burdens! God bless, K

Anonymous said...

Great I am trying to become a virtuous wife. I have work to do But Jehovah is working on me. Praise Jehovah!!!!


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