Monday, November 26, 2007

Teachers Preaching Sermons

"In not mentioning God,

my public school teachers preached a thundering sermon every day.

By implication, they taught that God is not relevant to most areas of life...

with every lesson,

in every class period,

 all day every day for twelve years,

 I was being taught to think like an atheist in the academic realm. 

And I didn't even know

 that I was being indoctrinated." 

 ---Christ Schlect, Scriptural Worldview Thinking


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! I mean that so deeply. I am a wounded mother of a daughter that has left her home and is marrying without her parents permission. I am so thankful I found your blog. May God Bless You and your family.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful quote. thank you so much for sharing it!

Janette said...

I am a public school teacher and I am fairly sure my children understand the love of the Lord through my actions. I am careful with those actions since I know that I am a model- whom they watch enter a church on Sunday and occasionally see me (and my paras) praying with the Lord's Words on a daily basis before they enter the room.
You have a beautiful blog- but there are many out there who preach the Word by walking the walk without a single word leaving our lips. Please do not discredit our difficult work.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Janette,

Thank you for your kind words and for visiting. I do believe that that public school teachers are some of the hardest working people around, and I do believe that you are probably trying to do your best being a role model to your children going to church, etc. However, we cannot over look the fact that God, Christ and prayer are being taken out of the schools at lightning speeds. I, personally, do not want to send my children to be educated eight hours a day-5 days a week by an institution that doesn't share my values and actually teaches against it. It would make my work of discipling and raising up my children in the Lord alot harder. They could become so heavily indoctrinated there that their hearts could grow cold towards the Lord and His Word. That is what is most alarming to me, hence the posting of this quote. Not to mention the fact that I can relate to this post because now as a Christian I look back to what I was taught in school and in college and I am in utter disbelief at how much Christianity is attacked, ridiculed and ignored. How do we expect our children to stand up to this false teaching if it is hard for even adults to do so?

Many blessings...

Anonymous said...

I can think of only one teacher that I can look back on and say their influence on me was a Godly one (in my years of public school education in Australia I had at least different 20 teachers at our primary and high school between 1967 and 1978) . The others were mostly nice people, but my outlook on life when I left school, and the experiences I received there, have left me wishing those years had been different. Thankfully there are wonderful teachers like Janette who shine a light in a dark place, but without permission to reveal Jesus as the central importance in all a child learns, children will in most cases leave school without knowing Him. Our whole society (in the USA and Australia) is suffering as a result.


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