Thursday, November 8, 2007

Celebrating Birthdays

November is here and that means our cycle of many birthdays has begun! Our family has four birthdays in November and December in the busy midst of three big holidays. Yesterday my youngest daughter, Joy, turned five. We like to celebrate traditionally with cake, ice cream, party hats, squawkers, streamers and gifts and we usually take them to a place of their choosing if we don't do a bigger celebration at home with extended family. Here is a list of what my children would like to do this year.

1. Joy--Chuck E. Cheese (we are still recovering from the loud music, the big dancing mouse running up and down the aisles, and not to mention the fact that we tried to keep track of 8 children running in 8 different directions!)

2. Janai---horseback riding at stables

3. Stephen--visit Billy Graham Museum (he is only 7!)

4. Naomi--go ice skating if weather cooperates

I love celebrating birthdays around this time too, with the weather changing, Christmas music playing in the background our house is always busy and humming with activity. The children run through the house trying to hide presents thoughtfully bought for their special sibling and as they hide in a room to carefully wrap their little treasures with small loving hands.

 Often times they will take an hour just to prepare a special homemade card. It is a joy to watch them give sacrificially to one another and that even though they might have their 'small squabbles' during the year they still love each other just as a brother and sister should.

"Brothers and sisters should live together as intimate friends; should carefully win and sedulously keep each other's love, dwelling together in unity and tender affection. There is no friendship in the world so pure, so rich and helpful, as that of the family---if only it be watched and tended as it should be. Why not a brother make a confidante of his own sister rather than of any other? Why should not sisters be proud to look up into the faces of their brothers, and feel secure in the shelter of their manly love?"------JR Miller


Mrs. Anna T said...

Congratulations to Joy!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great, I was an only child, but I used to love buying special presents and hiding away to wrap them up for my wonderful parents.
Love your blog.
God Bless
Take Care

Ginny said...

Our family has three out of four birthdays between October 31 and December 28 . . . makes for an interesting few months! I love that you try to do something special for each person.

Paula said...

Our immediate family as well as our extended family have lots of fall birthdays (October and November). This weekend we are celebrating our son's 10th birthday and his cousin's 11th birthday with a party at our house which will include bingo and a scavenger hunt.


atelierlemlem said...

Hi! Sounds very familiar...our oldest three children are al having their birthday at november 15,18 and 21... All three years appart. My best friends daughter also at 19 and a neighbourgiro at 21 november. At the end of this week I realy don't like cake anymore!

sweetnika said...

Happy Birthday to your home! Two of my children have birthdays that are about 1 month apart. This year we made one big family party with extended relatives. It was lovely. But on their actual special "day" we ate their favorite food and had a quiet family celebration.. You know... Cake, Loud silly singing of the infamous birthday tune... much joy to you this month!


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