Monday, November 19, 2007

A Confused Culture

It has been said:

"The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing;

 but in our culture,

 we apply for a curse and reject blessings. 

Something is wrong with this picture."


Anonymous said...

Amen! I was reading an article in Glamour (which I probably shouldn't have a subscription to anyways...) and George Clooney basically said "Why would I want kids of my own when I can just play with other people's, and get to hand them back when they get fussy?"

Yes, our culture is confused.


Mrs. Anna T said...

What an awesome quote!!

Linda said...

Whoohoo! Marvellous!! :D

greetings from the netherlands!

Paula said...

That's a fantastic quote and, oh, so true!!


Rebecca said...

Isn't that the sad, pathetic, reality of the world...I REFUSE to be part of it!

deb said...

What a great quote and sadly so very true also.

Lisa said...

Ih, wow! Very true! Easy too be sucked into... From a poor mom with ten children, ~ Lisa

Ginger said...

Alright! Where do you get your pics? My husband was looking over my shoulder, while I read your site. He wants them on our blank walls especially the one of the boy building the castle.


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