Monday, October 1, 2007

Being Still

"Be still and know I am God." Psalm 46:10

When was the last time you were just still? To hear complete quietness and doing absolutely nothing except meditate on this verse?

Have you stilled your mind?

Have you stilled your heart?

Have you stilled your soul?

Busyness reigns in our fast-paced world today---but Christians need to take the time to meditate and reflect on God's Word. We cannot hear God's voice if our minds are running so quickly trying to 'get it all done'. We want to be in communion with Him on a day to day, minute to minute basis. You can't do that with radios blaring, phones ringing and an overloaded schedule. What is He trying to speak with you today? His gentle voice might be nudging you to:

1. Spend more time relishing His word and fellowshipping with Him in prayer and stop living in idolatry putting other things before Him.

2. Stop neglecting your husband because you are so busy with the children and/or other endeavors. Begin respecting him by putting him on the throne of your heart (after God, of course). True respect begins there and is not just an outward act 'because you have to.'

3. To train your children and make it a PRIORITY to bring Christ to them in a real way. If you are mentoring someone at church and not your children, you need to repent.

4. Repent of that private sin(s) that only you and the Lord know about. Yes, it may be the thousandth time you brought it to Him, but this time it needs to be for good. Remember that godly sorrow brings repentance, but worldly sorrow doesn't.

5. To desire and begin to cultivate a gentle and quiet spirit. The false beauty of this world screams at us to be loud, aggressive, and proud. This is not true beauty---we need to reject this wordly philosophy. Humility is beautiful.....meekness is too.

6. To stop overeating. Just stop. You can do it. No excuses.

7. To keep promises you have made to others and to Him. You are learning to build godly character by doing so.

8. To control your tongue (by doing this you must also have control over your heart). The sharp tongue belongs to the foolish woman who 'tears down her home'.

Begin to work on these things now! It is so easy to step away from the computer and forget all the valuable things we have learned. We can be forever searching for 'meat' but forgetting as soon as we have partaken in it. Take a mental inventory of what needs to be done in your life. With this being the first day of October--the fresh start to a new month---let's take this wonderful opportunity to refresh and renew ourselves and our walks in the Lord for...

He is the God of second chances!

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Ashlie said...

Thanks for your sweet encouragement! I'm so sorry about my faulty link! I'm new to this blogging so there is no telling what I did to make that happen! Yikes, I'm soooo sorry. It actually took me to MY dashboard when I clicked on the link in my post! I have no idea what I did but I think I've fixed the problem...I clicked on the link & that's how I got here this time. I hope I didn't cause you too much angst! Sincere apologies...

~Bren~ said...

Thank You so much for this!!!!

Mrs. Anna T said...

Thank you for sharing this, Mrs. Fuentes. So uplifting.

Elspeth said...

Thanks for a wonderful post. I found it encouraging and inspiring.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for your encouragement - you are PRECIOUS to me!

Katy-Anne Binstead said...

Hi I am wondering if you could please tell me where you get your beautiful graphics from and if they are copyright etc.

Anonymous said...

I actually did this today. I took time to be still and pray. It reminds me to be thankful for all that the Lord has provided for me and my family.

God Bless

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Thank you so much for the beautiful words and I am going to apply them to my life. I invite you to stop by for a visit with me at Daisy Bouquet. Blessings Mary

Anonymous said...

If you don't mind, I'd like to put the link to this on my blog!???

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


You are more than welcomed to!

Many blessings...

Mrs. Taft said...

Thank you, this was very encouraging. :)

Lori said...

Hi, I came across your blog from Anna's sight. The name of it caught my attention. :)
This summer I read a book on stillness and silence before the Lord, which was so helpful. Being still and silent before Him is not an easy thing for me. It was good to read your encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Fuentes;
your post is encouraging as well as a bit convicting to my heart. It is not easy to see where you are straying. Is it not attending to your husband, your health and most important our God? Thank you. Blessings; maria

Anonymous said...

Also Mrs. Fuentes, I would like to put this link on my blog - can I? Thank you, Maria

Paula said...

What a wonderful post and oh so true! Business reigns over practically everyone these days, and it gets to be to the point where it becomes ridiculous. The happiest times are spent at home with my family, not running some where for another activity.


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Maria,

You are more than welcomed to! Thanks for visiting!

Many blessings...

Linda said...

What a beautiful and gentle reminder to be obedient to our Father through the things he tells us to do.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time to your blog. It's beautiful!!! :) You have just such a restful place here. :)


Anonymous said...

Can some one tell me how to find these beautiful prints so I can buy some for my house? I do not know how to email this site? Kathy

~Melinda said...

I just came across this post as I was reading your blog. I know it's old, but it's also timeless! Thanks for the reminders...I need work on some of these areas.

Angela said...

Thank you so much for joining me today over at Good Morning Girls! ;) Loved what you wrote about being still. You listed many great reminders! :)

Jaimie said...

This is great; God just spoke this verse to my heart yesterday as I sat at the beach for about 30 minutes. I was feeling the need to pray and read my Bible, yet at the same time felt him say "Be still and know that I am God." I took time to just relish in his creation and then wrote my own Psalm out of that time. It was wonderful!! Jaimie

Mrs. Gertha said...

Beautiful blog!! Thank you for your post. I needed that:-).

Tracey said...

These are such great reminders for this season of life - thank you!!


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