Monday, September 24, 2007

Fall Family Traditions

The first day of fall has arrived! The change of seasons brings a promise of change and making things new. Both my husband and I never really celebrated this season until we were older with our own children, we wanted to make joyful memories for our family. I have been skimming through a book called 'Family Traditions' and enjoy reading what others have established as memories and traditions in their families.

We don't do anything really fancy, but there are some things we really do enjoy, some we do every year and others that we are making as new traditions. I like the idea of adding on new things every year.

Here are some things are family likes to do in the fall:

--We host a Harvest Party! We have pumpkin races, hay bale jumping, wood splitting, a bonfire with story-telling, corn shucking, pie contest and games, etc. My kids can't wait to have it this year. We usually serve hot cider and cocoa (of course) with chili, cornbread, pumpkin pie, taffy apples--it is a potluck event so people try to bring something with a fall flavor. Some dress up as cowboys and cowgirls. You can view some pictures here.

--My children love when the leaves fall in our backyard because this means it is time to get a rake and run through it. By doing this they create something similar to paths and all the children spend hours just running through this maze-like creation.

--We visit our apple orchard completely stocked with farm animals to ooh and aah over.

--We consume many pots of creamy soups and simmering stews. We have been known to try our hand at taffy apples--this year my daughter already baked a yummy fresh apple crisp. My son is dying for the first fall pumpkin pie.

--We visit different fall festivals. We just visited one that was free and the children were able to make corncob dolls, fresh bricks from clay, dip their own candles, walk on stilts, play in hay and the like. One had team pumpkin catapulting into a small lake. Another event we visit is very elaborate where everyone is dressed in period called the Feast of the Hunters Moon. They have battle reenactments, drum and fife, shoot cannon balls, food cooked out on the fire, and much more. I highly recommend this one!

--We listen to lots of Turkey in the Straw and square dancing music.

--We have dear friends who host a Thanksgiving Reenactment annually. Everyone dresses in pilgrim or Indian costumes and there we get to enjoy hayrides, an exciting historical skit performance, hatchet throwing, log rolling, bow and arrow, crafts of the time, period food and much more. We are really blessed to have friends who enjoy doing this! They even have allowed us to sample deer cooked on a bonfire.

--We print out coloring pages of pumpkins and color to our hearts content.

--I love the trip to the farmers market to pick up pumpkins, mums, gourds and hay bales.

--My husband would like to make a drive out to somewhere that has a beautiful landscape of fall trees in our area, suggestions anyone? I've heard Michigan has a pretty display.

What traditions do you celebrate in the fall?---We would love to hear you share your traditions or ideas!


Anonymous said...

I cant really say we have any fall traditions, I do enjoy baking at this time of year. Since this is our first year at home schooling our 2 children I have decided to include the kids with making WELCOME FALL cards for our friends and family.

Mrs. Anna T said...

I loved reading about your fall traditions - so sweet to think about all the special memories you are building for your children.

Anonymous said...

Our big thing is making a really large leaf pile and jumping in it. My kids love that and I've joined in myself LOL!

Cooking warm soups and such is something I look forward to in this season.

Thank you for sharing!

nannykim said...

We always had a harvest party too when our kids were at home. One thing we did was a treasure hunt which had poems for clues hidden inside and outside and sometimes involved a trip to the park to find more clues. The treasure was assorted candies that were shared after the find. We had apple bobbing, gum blowing(the bubble gum is in a pan piled high with flour --you have to find the gum with your nose or mouth--no hands and get it,chew it, and be the first to blow it up--hilarious because everyone had flour all over their faces and it is harder to blow with the flour on it). We did hair arrangements using shower caps with shaving cream as the hair, and 3 legged races, marshmello eating (these hung from strings), egg toss with raw egg, rolling peanuts with your nose etc. We concluded the evening with a funny movie ancient movie.

Rhonda Devine said...

A drive down to Nashville, Indiana(Brown County)is beautiful in the Fall. They also have an Annual Covered Bridge Festival every year in October. Enjoy! Rhonda

nannykim said...

OK THIS IS A DARE--GO TO MY BLOG FOR TODAY SEPT 25 -the post that says Thankfulness again-smiling in the heart. I challenge you to make your own list on your blog of things you are thankful for today!! Blessings ;-)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


We did alot of other things than what we listed here at our Harvest Party but I didn't want to take up so much space with all the details! We also did the gum races too but we used whip cream instead---but this year flour sounds like a wonderful idea and more economical too! I think that I might adopt some of the ideas you have here---thank you!

Many blessings,

Moonpie said...

Who is the book "Family Traditions" by?

blessed_theresa said...

I would have to know where in Michigan you are so that I could try to help. I live in Michigan and have friends all over the state so perhaps if I can't help one of them could help find a gorgeous place to drive for fall colors. Please e-mail me personally and I will try to help if I can.

Love your blog!

Stephanie said...

We usually have a Fall Festival with a potluck and a hayride and bonfire. We try to take the children to the local pumpkin patch and have various activities. Thanks for the post. I love hearing about others and their family traditions.


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