Friday, July 6, 2007

Protecting Our Thoughts

In a world where we are bombarded every minute with impurity and defilement just walking into the mall or turning on the tv, I wanted to give a reminder of the blessings of Phillipians 4:8. Here is the grid by which we should run everything through, especially sinful thoughts:

Is it true?

Is it noble?

Is it just?

Is it pure?

Is it lovely?

Is it of good report?

Is it praiseworthy?

Is there any virtue?

We must use these eight questions and qualities as a checklist for our thoughts. Our lives, our walks with Christ, our testimony, our witness, our husbands, our children, our homes, our futures and the legacy we leave behind are all depending on us.

We must be careful with our thought lives because what we think we will become. What is thought out in private may soon be acted out in public. Sinful thoughts don't just hurt ourselves but they hurt others. Often times, the ones we love the most. Backsliding can begin with a sinful thought life.

Our thoughts need to be fixed upon God's word and trusting Him for all the outcome. We need to be disciplined in our thought lives and not allow ourselves to be relaxed in this area, even if we know other Christians who are. We must stop comparing ourselves to other Christians and start comparing ourselves to Christ. Our filters needs to be on full-time whether we are reading a magazine, sitting alone thinking or having a conversation with a friend!

Lord, help us all to filter everything and every part of our lives through your Holy Word...


Mrs.E said...

"We must stop comparing ourselves to other Christians and start comparing ourselves to Christ."
That sentence says it all. It's almost as though we must be on guard 24/7 because those "worldly things" are sadly around us all.

It's like I tell my teenage son..."think before you speak and act". Now I'm worried about just the thinking itself. ~sigh~ We must never give up trying to stay on the righ path.

Really enjoy your posts!

Brenda said...

Yes, the Bible must be our standard, not other families around us. It's difficult to do without other Christians around to encourage you towards that.

Thanks for the encouragement!

Heather in WI said...

We must be careful with our thought lives because what we think we will become. What is thought out in private may soon be acted out in public.

Thank you for this post today. There are tears in my eyes right now. I really needed to read this.



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