Monday, June 11, 2007


I love the artwork above done by Briton Riviere. The calmness that we see so obvious from Daniel as he lies in the grip of death in the infamous lion's den. The faith Daniel possessed was supernatural in the sense that only God can give all surpassing peace in the midst of danger and trials. Daniel stands here as a rock not shaken because he is standing on his trust in God Almighty, who will deliver him. Do we, ladies, emulate that kind of faith in our day to day lives?

The lions here are also symbolic of sin here to me. The sin to be tempted to fear or just tempted to sin period. Daniel could have reacted in fear, he could have cursed God from that den and renounced his faith. What a shameful end that would have been. Instead he was heroic, brave and courageous, the type of Christians that we need to be today.

So what are the lions in your life today, ladies?

What sin and temptations haunt you and entice you to turn you face from the Living God?

Know that sin, no matter how seemingly small, can ultimately destroy you, especially that private sin that you haven't told anyone about. The secret sins can be the most dangerous. (James 1:14-5)

Repent today and know that the Lord has died for ALL sin. Even that secret sin. For there is nothing on earth that we will do that we will not have to give an account for, every word and every deed. So confess you sins to Him and start new today. He will give you the strength to resist sin as you look to Him and His Holy Word.

"Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinner, and purify your hearts, you double minded. Grieve mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up." James 4:8 -10

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