Wednesday, June 6, 2007


What is it in little girls that make them simply adore beautiful dresses and tea parties? I believe that God made little girls feminine much unlike their counter parts. But what is true femininity? Unfortunately today many women have distorted the true meaning of femininity and have chosen to chase after things that are masculine.

 A pastor once pointed out in a sermon that it seemed as though they'd like to work like a man, dress like a man, act like a man, curse like a man, and fight like a man. Sadly, it seemed these women would like to do all the things that a man can do but the end result is sheer misery. As a result of rejecting their roles they disastrously oppress and burden themselves and the women around them who do not understand they are taking part in Satan's carefully crafted web of lies. God created women to be feminine--the opposite of masculinity. But the definition has been lost today. It takes true courage to be feminine in a culture where the contrary seems to reign (we must absolutely pray for and be an example to those while speaking truth into their lives) but God has created us to be wholesomely feminine and it would be unnatural to be otherwise.

We can look right to our Bibles to extract the true meaning of femininity. In scripture we see that virtue, loyalty, love of home, strength, fear of God, reverence, faithfulness, reliability, helping the needy, love of the Lord and submission were all displayed as the ultimate qualities in the femininity of the Proverbs 31 woman.

 When a women is a helpmeet to her husband and not demanding that the roles be reversed would be in line with the book of Genesis and how the Lord created her. Femininity is bearing glorious children and raising them faithfully as we find in Psalm 127 and having a proper view of them understanding the Lord views them as blessing and not simply as burdens that hinder our agendas.

Femininity is found in loveliness and in quietness. It is gentleness that nurtures the people around her. It is care that only a women can give for she was made to do that very thing. She is modest in dress and lives a simple life. She has fear of the Lord and He is central in her life and all her decision making. Her hands are always busy doing good works and kindness and wisdom and be found on her lips.

 She is not a busybody but lives a quiet and simple life. She doesn't undermine those around her or tear them down. She is not proud in thinking she knows better than everyone else instead her clothing is humility. Her motto is not "I am woman, hear me roar" instead it is "I am the Lord's and I come in meekness to exalt Him."

So may us all come in faithful obedience to worship God with our glorious femininity for I believe He will be pleased. Let us strive to be good, chaste, discreet and women that are sober as we respect our husbands and love our children. May our clothing be that of honor from living a godly life before God.

May our beauty not be from expensive clothes worn in vanity to impress others but instead from the ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit that speaks louder and is much more lovelier than a woman demanding her own way. Biblical femininity and it's timeless beauty is unmistakably upheld in the Word of God and we need to look no further to get the true, honest and life-changing definition.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to point the finger to women who might be doing the opposite and proclaim they are sinning. This article is meant for the building up and encouragement toward femininity. Please do not take what I am saying here wrong, or that I am pointing out that working is wrong. I do not believe that. But I do believe there is a course charted for us by the Creator and that we should try to follow it to the best of our abilities.

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Anonymous said...

Hello, I thought I'd post a note. I am really enjoying your site. Of course. reading it and "Homeliving Helper" tend to make me a bit jealous!


Steve said...


My wife's blog isn't a place for debate, or taking the Lord's name in vain.

She is seeking to encourage Christian women in the ways that they have already decided they want to live, based on their convictions from reading the word of God.

She's not seeking to convert, but rather to encourage.

You and I have had a wonderful conversation on my blog, and I have tried to answer your questions with politeness and respect, and am asking you to do the same on my wife's blog if you choose to continue commenting on it.

Feel free to comment on any of my posts on either of my blogs and I'll try and answer your questions about our faith.

I know you're a better person than your last comment! :-)

Grateful Mommie said...

Steve, Praise God, that was a very humble response to Clair:)

Grateful Mommie said...

Love this post! so encouraging as we don't have a lot around us in our culture.
Thanks so much!


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