Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Come With Me, My Son

I've often thought of the responsibility in raising sons. Who would ever think that small, beaming, little boy with golden hair would one day raise a family, win souls for Christ or even possibly die for his country one day? What is it to be a boy? 

And consider the strength the Lord has given them---only to do mighty and courageous things indeed. Unfortunately, the world is knocking down our doors trying to get to our son's souls. We can barely go to the local supermarket without them being visually attacked by magazines at the checkout that are strategically placed at eye level.

 The media has made a mockery of men and the feminist movement has gleefully stolen their roles. Who will raise up the next generation of godly men who can stand in the face of adversity and fight for their God?

As I reflect on the artwork above I must say that it reflects my heart as a mother who wants to take my son far away from the evils of this world and preserve his soul from defilement. With that impossibility laying at my feet, I've decided to do all I can to raise this small child into, Lord willing, a godly man.

Mothers, as we train our beloved sons are we preparing them for the real world around them? Are we training them to be soldiers for Christ rightly dividing the Word of God or are we training them to love comfort and pleasure? 

To desire entertainment instead of sacrifice---to love themselves and not Christ or their lost neighbors? Will they be raised to be the next generation of leaders and martyrs for the Lord or will they bring grief to their parents by being the foolish son portrayed in Proverbs?

We cannot pass on a strong Christian foundation if we are too busy with the things of this world. Our sons will crumble under the weight and evils of this world designed purposely to destroy the men who were destined to bring revival to this lost world. 

Satan knows the power of one godly man and the influence He can make upon generations and He wants him destroyed.

So go ahead mothers, keep being to busy to sit down to open that Bible with them. Be too busy to get off the phone with that friend of yours to train your child. Be too preoccupied with the passing things of this world to fully explain Christ to your children.

After all, you still have time... 

Or do you?

"Come away with me my son, for I have many things to teach you. But right now, while you are young, I just want to enjoy you. I understand that you are little and just want to spend time with me and so you shall so that I may gain your heart and keep it and help direct you on great paths the Lord has for your life. For He will do great and mighty things with you in the future that I might not be able to witness, and through your children and theirs. So come, come away with me so I might teach you about the Lord and His goodness, so you will never forsake Him and you will walk with Him all the days of your life and He will protect you, now and even when your mother has gone."


Mrs. MK said...

Great post!

As a mother to three sons under 5--I share your views and goals!!

Patricia Bunk said...

This writing touched my heart, although my two sons are no longer living with me. It has helped me in this new season of my life.

Anonymous said...

The quote at the end of this passage...complete perfection, and perfect for a legacy book I'm creating for my son. What is the source, if you don't mind?

Thanks for this unbelievable blog; I am working my way through it chronologically from post #1. Truly a blessing.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Carrie,

This is a actually what I thought of when I looked at my little son Joshua who was only 3 at the time. You are welcomed to use it, he even thinks the picture in this post are me and him on a boat ride together!

Thanks for taking the time to read through the blog, I hope it blesses you as much as writing it has been a blessing for me!


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