Friday, January 26, 2007

Respecting Your Husband-A Self Assessment

In the book, "The Excellent Wife" authored by Martha Peace she offers a self-assessment for wives to measure how they are doing at respecting their husbands. Here were some of the questions:

1. Do you speak to your husband in a condescending "put down" manner? For example: What's the matter with you?"

2. Do you treat your husband in private as respectfully as you do your pastor, your neighbor, or your friends in public?

3. Does your countenance show your disrespect by angry looks, looks of disgust, crossed arms, etc?

4. Do you talk for your husband or interrupt him?

5. Do you try to intimidate or bully your husband by making threats, verbally attacking him, crying, or in some other way manipulating him to have your own way?

6. Do you bring up his shortcomings to others?

7. Do you inappropriately contradict him in front of others?

8. Do you compare him unfavorable to other men?

9. Do you listen carefully to your husbands opinion, trying to understand him?

10. Do you respect his position in the home so much that he can depend on you to do as he asks even when he is not home?

11. Do you respect his requests by trying to do as he ask, even if it doesn't seem important to you?

12. Are you obeying God by being respectful to your husband?

Now after having gone through this list if you should happen to have found that you failed in any of these areas confess it to the Lord as sin and He will be faithful and just to forgive you. Ask your husband for forgiveness and ask him to hold you accountable when he thinks you are being disrespectful.

If you think you are not disrespectful, share this list with your husband to get his perspective and opinion, sometimes others view us differently than what we see ourselves to be!

I highly recommend 'The Excellent Wife' to all women for her sound counsel from the Word of God. She challenges women in many areas, especially with renewing the mind with Scripture.
Click here to purchase a copy!

We will be discussing respect at our next HomeBuilders Bible study, hope to see you there!

1 comment:

Just Me said...

Wow, this has challenged me today. Thank you.


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