Saturday, November 25, 2023

Top Favorite Charities to Give to at Christmas Time

"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way

 we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus,

 how He himself said,

 ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” ~ Acts 20:35

Have you ever wanted to give back at Christmas time and just not sure how to do it?

Christmas time is a wonderful time to give a blessing to those in need. 

There are several popular charities we wanted to mention, here are a few of our favorites:

1. Samaritan's Purse - This is a ministry head up by Franklin Graham (Bill Graham's son) that helps to feed hungry children, care for orphans, help families during disasters, provide emergency care,  care for mothers and babies, provide live animals for families, hands out Gospel booklets, builds hospitals, provides surgeries, stands with persecuted Christians and so much more!

You can donate HERE.

2. Operation Christmas Child - This ministry run by Samaritan's Purse send out a box full of gifts along with the gospel. We've been a part of this ministry for over a decade! You can view our post and pictures here.

You can donate HERE.

3. Toys for Tots - This program is run by the Marines and gives toys to children whose parents can not afford to give them gift. You might have seen the boxes in stores that you visit. You can buy a toy and drop it in the box. 

Donate a  Toy.

Make a one-time donation online. 

4. Prison Fellowship Angel Tree - Incarceration can strain family ties to the breaking point. Prison Fellowship Angel Tree provides an opportunity for local congregations to extend the hope of the Gospel and enfold Angel Tree families into church life through delivering Christmas gifts on behalf of incarcerated parents, sending kids to summer camp, facilitating one-day sports camps, and encourage them into church life, 

You can donate HERE.  

5. Operation Christmas Spirit - Operation Christmas Spirit is Operation Help a Hero's annual project, going 18 years strong, which supports military families, single service members and unit morale boosting events during the holiday season. They provide opportunities for the community to Spread the Spirit of Christmas and joy of the holiday season to our troops who sacrifice so much for our country.

You can donate HERE. 

Here are a few more ideas that our readers shared:

"Friends of Israel puts out a catalog around this time of year of different things to donate to in order to help support Israel. Things from donating to Holocaust survivers, funding bomb shelters, to gifts for Christians in the IDF. That is the one I do."  ~Sarah S.

"We used to make up goody bags and take them to the women's shelter for the women and kids having to spend the holidays in there." Becca S.

Angel Tree, Red Cross, very local needs in my church or neighborhood. - Lethia V.

ST JUDE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, Local food bank, Good Samaritan, Salvation Army. ~Aubrey L.

I support military/veteran groups and police officer groups! Use Amazon Smile to find a local group near you! ~Tabitha

You can read the whole conversation HERE.

Don't forget your local women's shelter, homeless shelter, and food pantry!

And often times churches will take donations for needy families as well. 

Please take a minute and consider donating to one of these charities!

What are a few of *your* favorite charities?

Sweet friend, do you know the Lord and if you are going to heaven? Please read this to be sure.

If you need help learning God's Word be sure to find a good Bible.

We'd  love for you to join our Titus 2 group!

We would also love for you to join our family at these places: 





1 comment:

Regina said...

I think any of the missions based organizations like Christian Aid Ministries.


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