Saturday, September 11, 2021

In Honor and Memory of September 11: Books & Resources for Kids

Do you remember where you were on September 11?

I know I do. A friend called me at home in the morning and told me to turn the TV on. I gathered up my littles and went down in the family room and flipped it on and could not believe my eyes. I quickly called my husband who was at work.  We saw the second plane hit much to our horror.  We were in utter disbelief to see what happened next with the towers full of helpless people collapsing down unto the city below.

For so long many were heavy-hearted and now 20 years later we look back and still can't believe it happened on our soil. 

More than half of my children were not born yet, so I try to tell them about the day and teach it to them so that they would understand what took place the horrible day.

In case you needed a few resources to teach your children too, I included a few books of interest below for you. Please note that these books contain stories of death and dying so please use discretion with younger children. 

 I hope that they are helpful:

I Survived the Attacks of September 11

Fireboat: The Heroic Adventure of John J. Harvey 

What Were the Twin Towers

America is Under Attack

Helping Hands: America Responds to September 11

Here are some more books HERE.

For  adults or older teens:

Let's Roll by Lisa Beamer (Wife of 9-11 Hero Todd Beamer)

Here are some printables and links for teaching:

September 11 Word Search -- here and here.

September 11 Patriots Day Printable & Activities

There are several YouTube videos online as well. 

I feel with the current events of today it is even more important now than ever before to teach our children what has happened in the past and remember and honor the fallen heroes of that day.

Let us never forget!

If you have any resources or books you would also like to recommend please share them in the comments below.

Have you trusted in Christ as your Savior? If not, I want to share this with you.

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Regina said...

I remember that day like it was yesterday. My father-in-law told me a plane had crashed into The World Trade Center. At first I thought it was a terrible accident so I figured I would watch the news later because I was busy getting my oldest ready for preschool and kindergarten and my youngest was still a baby. But then I heard there was a second plane and I knew something wasn't right especially when another crashed into the Pentagon and another one crashed into the ground.
That was a horrible day. One I will never forget!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the list of books. Who could forget that day. Our friend lost his brother on the 104th floor in he north tower. A fireman in a near by neighboorhood was on of the fireman who lost his life.
Never To Forget

Anonymous said...

Thank You for this list of books pertaining to 911. A friend's grandchildren lost a cousin. A fellow alumni from High School lost her life in the towers. Another friend lost several firemen at a nearby firehouse in her neighborhood.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Regina,

Thank you for sharing your memory with us, it definitely was a horrible day indeed. :(

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Marion,

I am so sorry to hear of the loss - such a tragic day. So sad.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Marilyn,

How heartbreaking. So many lives lost that day, let's keep their families and friends in prayer.


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