Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Fight for Your Children's Souls

I was thinking the other day about how the Lord impressed on my heart a few things regarding my children that I knew I wanted to focus on more.  It is so easy to be distracted in the world today--especially everything that is going on right now.

But we can't get distracted and forget about what is important.

Here were some of the following questions that the Lord impressed upon me:

1. Have you prayed with them and for them?

2. Have you shared God's Word with them today?

3. Have you been an example of Christ today?

4. Have you shown grace and forgiveness to them?

5. Have you shown God's love to them today?

6. Have you shared the Gospel with them?

We can't control what our children do as they get older -whether they accept the Lord, live a godly life,  make good choices, etc. We can only give glory to God for those things. But we can do what is in our power to influence them nearer to Him.

We will never be perfect parents, but it is important to do what we can while we have time with them.

Pray that the Lord will give you wisdom as you disciple your children and give you the strength and perseverance to disciple them without growing weary.

They will make mistakes but remember that you did too!

Take time for them...

For soon they will be gone and you will wish that you had that time back again.

It is absolutely worth taking the time to build into them even if you don't see fruit right away. The gardener doesn't yield a harvest until much later but in faith he plants, waters, and waits.

Don't buy into the lie that what you do doesn't count--every little bit matters!

Fight for your children today, dear mommas.

They need you!


Steph said...

I literally just asked for prayer on one of you other posts. I looked on your page just to have a look around and this was the first post I seen. I am so thankful that I opened and read. I am in tears as I am typing. I have children (one adult and one teen) all so far from the Lord. We all used to go to church together every Sunday morning and evening. Now Only two of them go with me. I felt sad and broken every Sunday after my children no longer were interested in going. I almost gave up myself. I didn't want to go alone. I didn't want to worship God with out them. But I know that is not the answer. I know I must continue to serve the Lord and keep my personal relationship with him.I must continue to be what the Lord wants me to be. I am a momma and my babies need a strong christian momma �� This blog is so encouraging and exactly what I needed �� Thank you so much!! I will continue to do all the above the best I can.

Steph said...

I meant to say I have six children. Five teens and one who is an adult.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Steph,

Don't give up on them and I strongly encourage you to keep your walk with the Lord strong too. It is not easy but press on! You are right when you say that your babies need a "strong Christian momma"--that is the truth! I am so glad that you were blessed here and hope that you visit again. I are praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder!


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