Thursday, September 12, 2019

Homeschool Science: Dissection Day (or Should I Call It Gross Day?)

I remember taking a Science class in school, teaming up with a classmate and having to dissect a frog. It was exciting, all the kids were freaking out, and it smelled horrible because of the formaldehyde.

I don't think I was ever able to use that scalpel to do any dissecting but my partner did, and she seemed to like it - and even did it with a smile! As I remembered that, I thought I wanted to give my children the same type of experience. I was sure it was something that would be memorable and that we would not forget any time soon!

So we bought this organ kit:

My son made this quick video on his phone:

I was somewhat squeamish again so I had my oldest son be in charge!

If you have a week stomach you might not want to continue reading the rest of this post.


Here are some pictures of the day:

I spared you the really gross pictures!

All in all it was a great experience--the kids were half grossed out and then thought the other half was cool.  The kit came with booklets too that explained it more depth. You could also find some printables online to supplement with this lesson as well.

If you are looking to shake up your Science homeschool experience with a little fun, you can find the kit HERE. 

You have to get the scalpels separately, we used these. 

Have you ever dissected anything for your homeschool?

Note: This post contains affiliate links-- thanks for your support!


Regina said...

No because I was a big fat chicken!🐓 Can you hear me clucking. After dissecting a grasshopper in 8th grade I said never again.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Regina,

I don't blame you! Some of us just don't have a stomach for this kind of stuff--I sure don't and was glad my son took over!


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